ᕯ two ᕯ

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march 25nd, 2018

The race was over, Sebastian had won the race and the drivers and Millie were making their way to the nearest club in Australia. The blonde was wearing a short silver dress with black heels and her long hair was down and straight as she had bold makeup, complimenting her features.

"I'm still not telling you!" Millie laughed as she walked in between Victoria Verstappen and Max's girlfriend, Dilara Sanlik down the street. 

"Please!" Victoria said, "I'll buy you as many drinks as you want!"

"Not happening Dil," she laughed as they made their way into the club. As the blonde walked in, people turned around and their eyes went wide when they saw Millie.

"Whoa!" The DJ yelled, "Millie Cooper and the Formula One drivers everyone!" The crowd went wild and burst into applause as Millie laughed and waved. "Welcome!" The blonde took as many photos as she could before she made her way to the bar.

"Can I get a Jack Daniels and Coke please?" she asked.

"Coming right up," the bartender said as Millie smiled. 

"Never would have put you as a Jack Daniels girl," Charles said, appearing at her side. Millie turned to look at him and smiled. 

"Full of surprises," she said giggling. The bartender brought over her drink but before the blonde could pay for it, Charles tapped his card on the machine. "Hey!" she said as she looked up at him. 

"Gotta buy the pretty lady a drink," he said as she smiled. 

"Thank you," she said.

"Can I get a Moscow Mule please?" he asked as Millie looked at him confused.

"What the fuck is that?" she asked chuckling. 

"Vodka, ginger beer and lime juice," he said, paying for his drink as he brought the drink over. "Try some." She took a sip and was rather surprised. 

"Oh, that's nice," she said as she grabbed her own drink. 

Charles chuckled as he the two walked away from the bar, his hand on her back as she smiled lightly as they made their way towards the VIP area where the other drivers were.

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A few hours later, Millie had a lot of drinks and was rather drunk. She was laughing as she held onto Max's arm to stop her from falling off. 

"This one is dedicated to our special guest," the DJ called as Millie looked up, "Millie Cooper, come on up!" 

Millie let out a laugh as the music to No More Sad Songs began playing. Max took her up to the stage as she laughed and took the microphone from the DJ. She grabbed Victoria and Dilara's hands and pulled them up to the stage with her. The two girls looked over the moon as they grabbed a microphone from the DJ.

"I keep trying, nothing's working," the blonde sang. Even drunk, she sounded incredible. The club burst into applause as she grinned. "I still wanna know, if you're alone. I keep trying to put this behind me, I still wanna know, who's taking you home." 

"For tonight, I'm going to get my mind off it," Victoria sang as Millie cheered with the rest of the crowd, "don't care that someone's got his hands all over my body. Stay out all night, go where the music is loud so I don't have to think about it. I'm beggin', please, don't play."

"No more!" the three girls sang. 

"Sad songs," the crowd sang as Millie moved her body to the music, making Charles' eyes go wide. 

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