Engaged [ F ]

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The mouthwatering smell of freshly cooked food and soft tunes of Taehyung's Jazz playlist mingled together creating a comfortable atmosphere around the cosy penthouse.

While Taehyung was occupied with cooking in the kitchen, slowly swaying to the rhythm and humming to the melody, a soft smile lingering on his lips; Jungkook was in the living room, grooming Bam's velvety fur, praising and talking to him as if the puppy could understand him.

"Bamie you need to be really good today. The hyungs are coming for dinner, so you need to behave." Jungkook said, hands gently massaging the moisturizing mist into his fur, before he cupped his face with both his palms, looking into Bam's huge dark eyes, before he broke into a smile and making the puppy lean in to lick his face, getting a giggle out of the younger.

"I know you're always good, just be especially good today. But I need you to go into your house, while Hyungie and I prepare everything. Go to your house Bam." Jungkook said after patting the puppy's butt twice, watching him walk into his art room and probably right into his house, as he was told to.

Jungkook got up and started to clean the living room, fluffing up the pillows, neatly arranging the soft blankets, wiping the small coffee table and dusting off their abstract decorations, which Taehyung very much loved.

Once he was done with the living room, Jungkook went to the guest's bathroom, putting some cleaning gloves on, before he started to get to the cleaning, which he did with a huge smile in his face, already imagining their friends' reaction to their engagement announcement.

It took him about 15 to clean the bathroom, even though Taehyung and Jungkook never really use that bathroom, he still wanted it to be spotless clean for his Hyungs.

"Darling." He heard Taehyung calling from the kitchen, which made him take the gloves off, put them back into the small cabinet underneath the sink, before walking straight into the kitchen.

"Yes, Hyungie?" Jungkook responded, leaning against the kitchen island, watching the older chop the vegetables.

Jungkook followed the sudden urge to be close to the older and went to back hug him, warms wrapping tightly around Taehyung's waist, his chin resting on his board shoulder.

"Are you done cleaning, My Love?" Taehyung asked, body automatically leaning into the younger's touch, enjoying the natural warmth radiating off Jungkook, smiling at the little nod he got back in response.

"Good job, Angel." Taehyung turned around in Jungkook's arms, the knife he was cutting the vegetables with was placed far away from them, not to hurt any of them, leaning in to connect their lips into a soft short kiss, both smiling into the small gesture.

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