34 // The Trap

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Everett exhales a shaky breath. "I'm listening."

"First off, let me start by addressing the comment you made earlier," Gavin says. "You have every right to be frustrated because Knox hasn't filled you in on anything. What I need you to understand is that he's just following club rules, so please don't hold any of this against him."

Everett looks away. "I don't—well, I mean, I'm not deliberately trying to."

"None of this has been easy for him either, especially not after he started catching feelings for you," Gavin reveals, and Everett takes the words to heart and locks them up tight. "The only reason why I'm filling you in on everything now is because of what you're about to get involved in. Speaking of which, this may not come as a surprise, but The Jackals know Shaun gave you their USB before he died, and they also know we currently have it and you. They want you both back."

"I-I figured as much," Everett stutters, his nerves threatening to get the best of him. "I guess I'm caught up, so how is this trap supposed to work?"

"As you already overheard, I'm in possession of a Jackal's cell phone. I texted Ghost and told him that I captured Finn and I needed to get him to Russell. Only Ghost knows where Russell is hiding, so he took the bait and wants me to hand Finn over to him when we meet up. For context, this whole thing is deeper than Finn killing one of their own; Russell is Shaun's father, so he wants Finn as badly as he wants you and the USB because he knows for a fact that Finn killed Shaun."

Everett doesn't respond right away. He gives himself several seconds to allow Gavin's news to settle, then he exhales another deep breath.

"Sounds like a solid plan already. How do I fit in?"

"I was thinking that I'd text Ghost back and tell him that I—or the Jackal that I'm pretending to be—made a deal with Finn after he begged me to spare his life. In exchange for setting Finn free, he brings you to me along with the USB."

"Do you think Ghost will believe that's something a Jackal would actually do, though?" Everett questions. "Because it'd be stupid to let Finn go when you just said Russell wants him as much he wants me and the USB. His son is... dead. I'd personally want Finn above all else."

"I know, I thought the same thing. In a real life scenario, Finn wouldn't be set free, which is why I plan to mention the deal was nothing more than a trick to use Finn to get me you and the USB—this way, I'm hitting three birds with one stone. If we go through this plan, Ghost will be under the impression that I have everything Russell is after, and he'll have no choice but to show up in person." 

"Okay. This sounds doable. So then what happens after we show up to..."

"The parking lot of an abandoned mall."

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