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3. Bulletproof

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"What?" Aria sounds shocked that I even brought it up. "I don't know if that's a good idea."

But I am dead set on letting the world know that she is mine. "You already wore it in front of my sister."

"That was different."


"She's family," Aria insists. "Manning's dinner party will be full of our colleagues. Once they know, the world will know. Don't you think it's too early to announce our engagement to the public? PR advised us to stick to a strategic timelin—"

"Fuck their strategy," I argue. "Just imagine the look on Manning's face when your ring overshadows his entire event."

"Nothing would make me happier than to piss off Manning," Aria murmurs with a chuckle. "But we can't be impulsive, Nicco. There's too much at stake. A moment of satisfaction isn't worth sacrificing the work we've already put into our PR strategy."

I sigh, "I understand where you are coming from, but I see no point in delaying the inevitable. The public needs to find out about us one way or another. Might as well deal with the backlash sooner rather than later. Will you, at least, think it over before rejecting the idea altogether?"

"Fine," she relents, "I won't say 'no' until I think it over a little more."

"You worry too much."

Her voice grows quiet when she counters, "Can you blame me? Manning is definitely hiding something up his sleeve tonight. Pretty sure he's going to use tonight as an opportunity to tear us down in front of some really important people."

"Knowing him, I am sure he will try his damnedest to ruin our night."

"If you know this," she argues, "how can you be so calm?"

I shrug even though Aria cannot see me. "Maybe because I am used to dealing with pieces of shit like Manning."

This much is true. After decades of attending boarding school alongside elite and depraved assholes like Manning and his friends, I have seen it all. I am no stranger to wild nights of debauchery and intimidation tactics of men who have too much money on their hands.

"We need a plan," she insists.

"We do not need another plan," I groan. "You already have too much on your plate as is."

She protests, "But—"

The plane has been sitting on the runway for too long. Our window of opportunity to strike at Juan Pablo keeps growing smaller. My men are becoming impatient. They signal that it is time to go.

"Just show up tonight," I demand curtly, "and let me handle the rest."

In the background, I hear someone trying to get Aria's attention. She murmurs in distracted tones, "Um, Scott wants to discuss the risks attached to the O'Connell account's latest investments. I should probably take care of this..."

I know she should definitely go take care of it. I have shit to do in Málaga as well. But I do not wish to say goodbye. Setting my jaw, I force myself to say, "Go kick some ass and take down some names while you are at it. I will not keep you."

"We'll finish this conversation later, okay?"

"I miss you," I tell her again, "more than you know."

"Then come back to me."

"Nothing can keep me away," I promise.

"I'll be waiting for you."

"Hopefully, with your ring on."

Nicco - Season 2Where stories live. Discover now