29 : come and go

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I wasn't an idiot

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I wasn't an idiot. I could tell Everleigh was ignoring me ever since that night. She was always in my room, and sometimes I could hear her frustratingly call apartment complexes trying to find a new home all on her own. But I was no fool. She didn't have the proof of income seeing as she kept all her money in cash from the tips she'd make at work. It was going to be difficult to find a place.

I wasn't rushing her to leave. She could stay for however long she needed, but that didn't mean she wanted to stay.

I cooked breakfast--it was mostly eggs and a protein shake. She came out of my room with her curly hair up in a messy bun on top of her head. She had a long shirt on, and there was no evidence of anything underneath, and even though I knew she wasn't the type to walk around almost naked, my mind couldn't help but visualize her bare ass against the fabric of her shirt.

She let out a big yawn as she made her way to the kitchen.

"Good morning," she murmured, walking right past me with yet another yawn. I didn't say a word as she grabbed a plate and threw some eggs on it. It was our daily routine. We'd barely speak. I only recently got her out of the habit of asking me if she could have some of the food I made for us every morning.

Silence overcame us like it did every morning. Then, she would typically leave to go catch a bus (even though my car was parked just outside), and she'd go looking for apartments until it was time for her to work again. She didn't know it, but I would always go after her. It wasn't safe for her to be alone. And I'd always be right there, parked outside her job, waiting for her to get off work. She didn't like it, but even she knew how dangerous it was to catch a bus so late at night.

But today was different.

I grabbed my protein shake and began to swallow it down.

"What do you have planned today?" she asked. I lowered my drink so I could look at her. Her eyes were on me as an intrigued gape settled on top of them.

"A fight... two," I answered her. Her shoulders fell at my answer.

"Two?" she drawled out in disbelief. "You can't do two fights in one night!"

"Who says I can't?"

"Me," she tells me.

I almost smirked at her words. I threw the rest of my drink back and swallowed all of the contents just before throwing it in the sink.

"Why?" I asked, my curiosity growing the best of me.

"I was going to ask if you wanted to go do something with me today. You won't let me pay any bills so I figured I could take you out as a thank you," she explained.

"Like a date?"

A smile she tried to force away edged its way onto her face as she turned away from me to keep it hidden.

Kayo | 18+Where stories live. Discover now