Chapter 1: Giselle

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The flight from London to Massachusetts was seven hours long. This meant that I had seven hours to aimlessly stalk every social media account of VITAL Sports Academy.
A few things I have gathered so far is that their proudest sports are Ice hockey and Figure skating. The face of the school is no other than an attractive man called Rafe Hartley. His chiselled face is plastered on every brand the school has, I've seen him so much that I've memorised the way his brown hair falls into his honey eyes and his cocky smile that can make any girl's heart flutter.
Including mine.

My dad always watched him on the news. He's one of the first nineteen year olds to captain a hockey team that has won both Stanley Cups and is now preparing to play for the third one.
So he totally geeked out when I got the email telling me that Rafe is supposed to pick me up from the airport and give me my room keys as he's head of the apartment complex that I'm going to be staying in.

I finally get through baggage check and make my way to the pickup area. I scan a room full of faces and fail to see Rafe Hartley's. A bunch of families are here to greet their loved ones and it remind me to call my dad.

I look down at my phone and tuck a curly strand of hair behind my ear. It rings a couple of times before my dad answers.

'Hey Brownie.' My dad's cheerful voice comes through the speaker.

'Dad, I told you to stop calling me that.' I laugh. The nickname brownie was given to me before my mother past away. It was because of an incident of my sixth birthday where I ate all the brownies that were supposed to be handed out at my birthday party.

My mother is the reason I started figure skating. She passed away when I was seven, and she always had a love for the sport. She was always regretful that she didn't take it up when she was younger.

'How was the flight?' Dad asks.

'I am so jet lagged.' I sigh. 'I can't wait to get to my bed.'

'Is Hartley there?' His voice quips with interest.

'Nope,' I reply. 'I think he's running a bit late.'

'Maybe training ran overtime.' He says. 'I've got to go take your brother to school now, I'll talk to you later Brownie.'

'Bye dad.' I laugh.

'Bye Brownie.' The call ends and I pocket my phone, looking around to see if he's arrived yet.

Instead of waiting around, I walk over to a bench and take a seat. He should be here soon. I start scrolling through my phone and before I know it, sleep creeps up on me and I doze off.

'Ma'am?' Someone shakes me awake. I flinch and look up to see a security guard looking down at me cautiously.

'I couldn't help but notice that you've been asleep here for four hours.' He says.

'Four hours?' I exclaim, jumping up. I look down at my phone and see that he's right. It's nine o'clock and I landed here at five thirty.

'Are you alright ma'am?' The security man asks, as I clumsily gather my things.

'Yes sorry mr...' I start.

'Blake.' He replies.

'I was just waiting for someone to come pick me up but he doesn't seem to be here.' I reply, looking around.

'Is it your first time here?' He asks.

'What gave it away.' I laugh.

'The accent.' He replies. 'London right?' I nod in reply and he beckons for me to follow him.

'Stay here and I'll call you a taxi.' Blake says. 'On me.'

'Thank you so much.' I smile. I make sure I have all of my things with me while Blake calls me a cab on the phone.

'Where are you headed?' He asks.

'VITAL Sports Academy.' I reply.

'What sport do you do?' He asks.

'Ice skating.' A flash of recognition crosses his face and he looks at me.

'What's your name?' He asks.

'Giselle.' I reply. 'Giselle Romean.'

'I knew you looked familiar!' He laughs. 'My daughter is obsessed with watching all of your mini competitions.'

'I didn't know people actually watched them.' I reply. My old ice skating school would sometimes stream the competitions we had. The most recent ones had scouts giving out the scholarship I'm now on.

'Is it alright if I take a picture with you?' He asks.
I nod and smile as Blake takes out his phone and sends the picture to his daughter.

'Giselle, your taxi is outside.' He says. 'Have a good time in Massachusetts.'

'Thank you.' I say.

I take out my luggage and get into the yellow cab waiting for me. The drive to the academy is peaceful and the driver helps me take out my luggage and bring them into the front office.

I'm in shock by the size of the school and the navy blue banners that hang from the ceiling. The pictures don't do this school justice. Along the walls are trophies of the best players of every sport. Swimming, ice hockey, ice skating, horse riding, basketball, football.

A woman behind the oak desk looks up at me with a smile.

'Welcome to VITAL Sports Academy, how can I help you?' She asks.

'I'm Giselle Romean, an exchange student from London.' I explain. 'I won the ice skating scholarship.'

'Well congratulations.' She starts typing on her keyboard. 'And what subject did you pick on the side?'

'Literature.' I reply.

She nods and types up on her keyboard before printing out a piece of paper and handing me a key card and map.

'This is for house A on the west side of the school.' She says. 'Everyone in that house is doing literature and your bedroom key will be given to you by your head of house.'

I take the documents from her and look at the silver key card.

'You're apartment is on the fifth floor of house A.' She says 'If you need anything, don't be afraid to ask me.' She smiles.

'Thank you.' I reply before walking off to find my new house.

I take pictures of the school and send them to my dad. The walk to the other side of the school is long but I make it to my house.

I scan the key card and look at the apartment in front of me. This apartment is as big as my house in London. There's a huge living room and kitchen, and a balcony with a jacuzzi on it. There are four bedrooms and I walk to the one in the middle but the door is locked.

I check the other two rooms and they are locked as well.

'Where the hell is he?' I ask. Rafe wasn't there to pick me up, and he's not here either.

I walk into one last room and immediately regret it. A man raises his head from in between a girl's legs and turns towards me.

'Oh my god,' I gasp. 'I'm so sorry.'

The man turns around and I see that it's Rafe. The girl sits up, her long black hair falling in front of her bare tanned chest. She narrows her brown eyes and glares at me.

Rafe looks me up and down and I quickly shut his door. I want to immediately erase that from my brain.

This is the new book that I'm working on. I hope you love Giselle and Rafe as much as you guys have loved my other characters. I've decided to move on from mafia romance and try my hand at other genres. I hope you enjoy this story!
Have a nice day!

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