where is atsumu?

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you've never really watched
these volleyball games, or for
any sport, for that matter. you
weren't friends with volleyball
players and your schedule was
filled to the brim thanks to your
major so what was the point
in going?

you had to give it to
miya atsumu. a computer
science major and a regular
on a d1 volleyball team.
that's impressive, to say
the least.

you found yourself sitting
alone on the bleachers while
watching the kyoto vs tokyo
game. you didn't mind, you
weren't really in the mood
conversing with someone when
you just wanted to watch
a certain blond setter.

while both teams were very good,
atsumu's words did not go
unnoticed. tokyo university
ripped kyoto university like
there's no tomorrow. they won
3-1, not even needing to go to
a 5th set.

when the game ended, you
stayed on the bleachers for
20 more minutes to time your
departure as same as the volleyball
team's—not that you would ever
admit that.

once you saw a familiar face,
you hurried down the bleachers
and made yourself seen BUT
pretending you didn't see him.

well this is pathetic, you
laughed to yourself.


you turned around, slower
than usual to let your hair
give the full effect.

"oh hey tsum!
nice game, glad
you didn't eat
your words."

"nope, not at all."

"i was fairly confident
that we were going to

"even if they suddenly
got really good, we'd
still win."

you laughed at his
overly confident statement.

but to be honest, it was
a bit funny talking to
someone who had complete
faith in himself in whatever
aspect in life.

for example, volleyball and
his computer science major.

though, it's still funny to
tease the blond.

"woooow, somebody give
me a pin cause your head
is inflating like a balloon!"

"i don't have a big ego,
fuck you, y/n.

"i'm just playing with you."

"it was a really good game,
and i mean it."

"i don't watch volleyball or
sports all that much, but that
made me wanna put a cheer
uniform on and cheer you and on."

atsumu laughed—no, hollered
at your hilarious statement. after
the laugh, the setter didn't hesitate
to paint a shit-eating grin on his

"i'm not opposed to
that idea."

"just make sure you yell
my name extra loud."

lazy texter . miya atsumu! ✓Where stories live. Discover now