Chapter 24

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Lightly tracing my fingers over the tracks in the mud, my eyes moved up to stare ahead at the darkened forest. The sunlight was starting to fade as they slowly we ended over the horizon, leaving the forest in an orange glow.

A line of tree's ahead of me were marked with the bones of animals and others of my kind, warning that anyone who enters the area is trespassing into drakov territory. 

This was the same place I chased the small female to before. I thought she had simply come here to deter me from chasing her any further last time but if that was the case then why would she come back? 

I knew something was off when I crossed the River and spotted the animal trail through the twisted trees while following koras tracks, had she been chased by the drakov this wouldn't have deterred them from following her so the only other explanation is that she's hiding out near the edge of the territory.

She must have a decent hiding place if they haven't found her yet. Their territory is large for how small of a tribe they are so hunters and scouts probably don't come around this area very often. But that doesn't mean I should simply walk in without caution. 

Getting captured by the drakov is my biggest worry as of now. They would not hesitate to turn me into a ritualistic sacrifice for their 'god' if they found me, I fear they would also do the same to the human female if they found her.

Standing up I gripped my spear tightly as my tail whipped around behind me. I have to make sure she is okay. 

Ignoring the warnings I continued forward to follow the marked trees, coming across the occasional track left behind by kora's strange footwear. 

It didn't take long to come across the last marked tree near the bottom of a cliff. I glanced around for any other markings but found none. The only thing I did find was more of Kora's tracks, leading straight towards the cliff wall.

Vines and moss covered the rock face before me and I could faintly make out a fissure behind all the foliage, hidden away from plain sight. 

Walking towards the rock face I pushed the hanging vines aside and crouched down to step inside. 

I barely caught movement out of the corner of my eye and barely managed to shield my face as a tree branch came flying towards me followed by an angry, feminine screech. I stumbled to the side and grabbed the arm of my assailant as my eyes adjusted to the darkness of the cave.

The small figure before me grunted and tried swinging the branch at me again, this time with less force while screaming 'fik ku' quick to recognize the voice before my eyes even fully made out her appearance. I snatched the tree branch from her grasp and restrained the violent little human against my body.

She screamed and wriggled in my hold as I tried to stop her from hurting me or herself. "Stop Kora! It's me!"

With a grunt she kicked at my legs and I spun her around to face me, holding her arms to her sides. "kora! It's me, Elazar! Stop this! I am your friend!"

She seemed to recognize what I was saying as she paused and looked up at me with those big golden brown eyes and squinted. "E-elazar?" 

"yes it is me." She visibly relaxed and I released her, taking a step back as she leaned against the cave wall to catch her breath. She attacked me blindly without even waiting to see who walked in. She must have known that she could have been trailed by someone dangerous. I did not see signs of anyone else tailing her here so she probably sensed danger back at the pond and fled before they saw her.

Rise of The Fallen (unedited Version) (COMPLETED)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora