Chapter 10

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After a few minutes of trying to overcome my shock, I clear my throat. I get up to flip my table upright again as Diara stays seated in the corner still bewildered about the unexpected visitors.

"Hey..uh...Diara..are you doing okay over there?"

I asked hesitantly. After a few seconds, Diara blinks and nods slowly before shakily going back to eating her dumplings in silence. With a sigh I put all of my carvings back on the tabletop Chantel flipped over.

After I finished putting my carvings back in their respective spots I go back to the corner and sit next to Diara. The rest of our time together was spent in tense silence as we ate.

Eventually, we were both finished and I walked Diara to my door.

"Are you sure you don't want me to walk you home? It's pretty dark outside and you know she wanders around at this time."

I opened the door as I looked at her genuinely concerned for her well-being. Diara walks out the door slightly before responding.

"I'll be f-fine y/n. I-I'll take the b-back tunnels. She r-rarely goes t-that way."

Before I could respond Diara sped walked away with a nervous shiver going through her anxious figure. I let out a sigh as I noticed how she was back to being tense and closed my door. Just like that, I was alone again.

I make my way to the kitchen where we had left our empty bowls and plates to the side. I threw everything away, placing any extra silverware we used in the sink as a yawn escapes my throat.

I stretch my arms up for a little bit before walking to my bathroom. Once in the bathroom, I rid myself of my baggy clothing and get into the shower. As I run my hands threw my shampoo-filled hair I can't help but feel like I was being watched.

Every few seconds I would check behind the curtain because I felt like there was someone right behind it. I've always been the paranoid type. Always cautious of my surroundings, asking questions that people get sick of hearing but this feels way too real to be simple paranoia. It's like I can feel someone breathing down my neck. Like cold hands are gliding over my naked skin caressing places they shouldn't.

I shiver slightly only to pause as I swear I heard a creak from my floorboards. I stand there for a minute, unmoving as the water continued to hammer the shower floor. My breathing becomes nonexistent as I listen carefully. After a while of hearing nothing I quickly finish my shower and get out not wanting to be in such a vulnerable position.

Once I have my pajamas on, which consisted of basketball shorts and a baggy t-shirt, I finish my nightly routine. Quickly jumping into the bed I finally allow myself to drift off to sleep, still not being able to shake the eerie feeling of being watched.

As my mind drifts further into the dream world I can hear music playing. A soft melody that danced around like an open flame. Spotlights turn on abruptly with a loud clicking sound following. The song began to pick up like a rushed lullaby. Before I could understand what was happening shadow figures of women danced past me elegantly. A woman stopped in front of me, reaching her hand out to touch my face as she becomes taller and more intimidating.

Before the woman could touch me my eyes snapped open as I woke up. I blink a few times before rubbing my tired eyes, and stretching before I get out of bed. Once I'm out of bed I do my morning routine, get dressed, and eat.

As I scarf down a piece of toast the feeling of being watched comes back in full swing. I look around with the piece of toast still in my mouth and crumbs covering my face. My breathing gets heavier as I feel like their eyes watching me in every direction. I quickly finish my toast, wipe off my face, and head out the door while holding my satchel close to me.

I turn around every few minutes on my walk, more like run, to school due to the feeling of being followed. As I run the rest of the way to school I rush past people to get to my home ec, getting weird glances on the way there. Once I was inside the school the feeling went away.

With a heavy sigh of relief, I take a moment to catch my breath before heading into home ec where I am greeted by girls sitting on top of their desks chatting and the guys in their back corner making small talk quietly in their seats.

I look around for Shae hoping that I'll finally have someone to talk to every morning in home ec but alas, she was nowhere in sight. With a sigh, I head to my seat at the back of the class. Placing my bag down and sitting in the chair, I couldn't help but wonder who was following me. Was I even being followed? Was it just all in my head? I pondered all of the questions swimming in my head but I couldn't find an answer to any of them.

Eventually, I gave up and decided that maybe it was all in my head. I used to feel like I was being followed when I was a kid which led to me being that 'overly paranoid kid'. With a small nod, I accepted that I was being crazy. No one was following me. I guess being alone for so long makes you think about things that aren't even happening.

As I finally come to terms with myself I hear the front door opening. Girls took their seats while the boys went quiet thinking that that was the teacher. Instead, we were greeted by the principal along with Chantel, Aimiah, and two other girls. The principal clears her throat as she opens her mouth to speak.

"Hello, class A-3. Due to some issues, the Nobles will be staying in this class for a week or so. Due treat your higher-ups with respect. I would hate if they had to get their parents involved."

With that, the principal looked us over one more time before leaving without any more of an explanation. What was the "issue"? Does it have something to do with the elites daughter's, or as we call them Nobels, special classes? The two weakest noble girls immediately went off to find seats quietly while Chantel and Aimiah made their way toward me.

"Y/n! Oh, how I missed you! I feel like we've been away from each other for centuries. Luckily the Gods, or should I say my mother, put us together at last."

Aimiah dramatically ranted as she grabs my face with her warm slim hands. She leans close to me as she puts her forehead on mines. Closing her eyes with an emotion that looks similar to bliss, she speaks.

"Why are you all alone my little yeti? I guess you have always been the type to go off on your own but don't worry I'll keep you company."

Aimiah whispered to me before removing her forehead from mine and smiling. What does she mean by keeping me company? There are no other chairs for her to sit back here with me. Before I could think of an answer Aimiah's smile drops before looking over to one of the guys in the corner. She tells him to get up with a strangely calm voice. He quickly gets up scared for his life and watches as Aimiah takes his chair. She gave him a sickly sweet thank you while batting her perfectly long eyelashes at him before taking a seat next to me.

Chantel stood there as Aimiah cuddle up to me. After a few seconds, Chantel scoffed before walking over to one of the other intimidated boys before kicking him off of his chair and dragging it over to me and Aimiah. She begrudgingly sits on the other side of me looking pissed off yet satisfied for some reason.

"This class is stupid."

"The class hasn't even started Chantel. The teacher isn't even here yet."

Aimiah rolls her eyes as she and Chantel begin their daily bickering. I slide further into my seat feeling uncomfortable being in the middle of them as they glare and argue with one another.

Just then the teacher walks in. Chantel and Aimiah continue to glare at each other as both of them grab my arms. This is going to be a long class period.

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