Part 1

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Hey welcome to the story I'm so glad u decided to read it btw it's my first one so sry if it's bad anyway pls enjoy 😊 btw if you're uncomfortable with:
And SH then I'll put ⚠️ at the start and end of it
Dazai POV:

It was a normal day at the agency, Kunikida was yelling at me, atsushi was doing my work, and everyone else was either talking to each other or doing their work you know the usual.

⚠️  period mentions ⚠️

That is until I felt something warm under me at first I thought it was just starting to get warm in the agency or something but then atsushi came up to me and asked if I was ok. I was of course confused until he said

Um ... dazai you're ..... b-bleeding

Dazai POV: that was when I realized I started my period. I quickly told him I was fine and then proceeded to go to the bathroom and put on a pad.

⚠️ it's over now⚠️

Atsushi POV:

While I was completing dazais paper work like usual cus he's so damn lazy... anyway I went to his usual spot on the couch to ask him a question about one of the cases he completed. I was right next to him and was about to ask until I saw blood under him it wasn't much but it looked like he got hurt I was worried so I asked " dazai are u ok?..." he had a confused look on his face after so I proceeded to tell him "Um ... dazai you're ..... b-bleeding" after that he told me he was fine and went to the bathroom. I was still worried so I went to tell doctor yosano (slay girl boss)

Yosano POV:

Atsushi stepped into my office (I forgot what her area is called 😭) with a worried look on his face.

Atsushi: um yosano I wanted to tell you something

Yosano POV:

"What is it?" I said with a bit of worry cus he doesn't usually come into my office unless he needs me to heal a big injury

Atsushi: s-so um I think something is wrong with dazai.

Yosano: why what happened?

Atsushi: well when I was going to ask him a question about a case he did I saw that there was blood underneath him.. he told me he's fine but I don't really believe him.

Yosano POV:

When atsushi finished his sentence I was confused cus why would dazai be bleeding underneath him it made no sense... maybe dazais hiding something from us. I proceeded to tell atsushi that it was probably jam or something and to not worry about it. Afterwards he left my office and continued his work. I really need to get to the bottom of this. I went to go look at dazais record but was shocked when all I found was a file that said
Name:Dazai Osamu
Date of birth: unknown
Ability: no longer human
Previous job: unknown
Family: unknown
Background: unknown
Gender: unknown

What did it mean by gender unknown unless... WAIT  bleeding from his pants, file saying gender unknown, and dazai acting suspicious... is dazai trans? (Yosano slays 😜)

⚠️period stuff nothing disgusting but you know the normal period stuff⚠️

Dazai POV:

After I got out of the bathroom I started to get cramps and feel really irritated. Damn it of course I had to get my period at work of all places. I needed to distract myself with something so i sadly went and did my work it was helping until Kunikida noticed me and gasped 😒 it's not that big of a surprise that I'm doing my work (🤨)

⚠️it's over⚠️


Dazai: yea so what if I am 🤨

Kunikida: are you really dazai cus he has never done his work before???

Dazai POV: Kunikida was starting to piss me off so I said " it's not that big of a deal so just fuck off already" I don't think anyone was expecting that cus everyone turned to me like they've seen a ghost... and atsushi passed out 😒 "WHAT" I said in an annoyed voice and everyone just kept staring until yosano came and asked me to come to her office
That's the end of part one
I hope u enjoyed
I'll try to make part two as soon as I can

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