Part 4

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Hey guys this is part 4
Enjoy 😊
Yosano POV:
After we bought a bunch of stuff for dazai we went to his house, we knocked on the door for a while but after getting no response we try the doorknob and it's unlocked, we take off our shoes and notice there's more than one pair???

Yosano: why does dazai have another pair of shoes here???

Kunikida: they're quite small...

Atsushi: let's ask him later rn we gotta give him his stuff 😊

Yosano POV: we walked into his living room and saw something no one was expecting...except Ranpo... dazai was making out with one of the port mafia executives!!!

Kunikida: ... I knew it...the world is ending

Atsushi: *is processing what's happening infront of him*

Ranpo: Poe owes me so much money :3

Dazai: *opens eyes*

Dazai: WTF!?!?

Yosano: hey...dazai

Chuuya: Shit

Dazai POV: after I heard chuuya say shit every thing went black idk what happened after but I think I passed out from stress or shock cus when I woke up I was in my bed but I saw the agency looking at me, I covered my chest with my arms since I was wearing a white t-shirt with no binder so you could see my boobs." How do you guys know where I live???" I said.

Yosano: I found your paperwork

Ranpo: I knew from the start

Atsushi: don't worry dazai we support you 😊

Chuuya: *walks into room*, GOD stop surrounding him 😡 (protective boyfriend activated) *hugs dazai*

Dazai: it's alr darling~

Chuuya: ...ok but if they say ANYTHING I'll fucking kill them *Glares at kunikida*

Kunikida: WHAT DID I DO!?!
Thanks for reading guys this is the end 😊
Or is it...the beginning

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