16 review

66 40 2

Author: hannaZhrb

Title: Killing swans

Genre: BxB romance

You guys this book is just beautiful

Author I love your plot

My poor Henry suffered 😭😭
Josh I want you dead like fr tho

Milo our savior 😇😇

Bfr author thanks for dis work like how do you all just come up with plots for books like.

I have tried to write novels before and they never reach their tenth chapter 😭😂

Anyway my advice to ppl out there 😢

"If u ever find your self in an abusive relationship please do speak up tell someone before it's too late because if u end up dying from the abuse it's bad like really bad"

"Help those who you think are getting abused let's help each other no matter the race,gender, sexuality."

Say no to abuse,rape, violence it's not good😭😭

Author this book made me cry and think about ppl who are in Henry's shoes and are unable to speak up😭😭😢kudos to you

I hope you read my review and maybe comment some time ❤️❤️ hannaZhrb

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