𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒

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It's now Thursday, and yesterday the boys decided to be stupid and go over the speed limit over a speed bump so the car is in the shop right now

My parents won't let us use their car so we were stuck walking to school. Of course the boys slept over.

I swear they come by our house more then their own house. They are there every single day to the point were my parents called them 'their unrelated children' Which I giggle about every time she calls them that.

"You guys are so stupid sometimes." I mutter under my breath. "No we aren't" Luke pouted. "Okay, what idiots decided to go over a speed bump at 100 mph?" I asked them with a serious face.

"Uhm... all of us decided to do that." Levi admitted. "Dylan you should have stopped them. Your more mature than them." I scold him like I was his mother.

"They bribed me with $100 I couldn't say no.." He shrugged. "Well now we are stuck walking to school for a week." I sigh.

"It's only 15 minutes away, Are you to lazy to walk that, sunshine?" Chase teased. "No I'm not lazy it's just I have to wake up an extra 15 minutes and stop calling me sunshine." I said.

"Oh poor you." He ruffles my hair. "Oh yeah poor me" I mocked him. "Its just a extra 15 minutes, get over yourself." He chuckled at me

"But that's 15 minutes less of my sleep." I frowned. "Go to sleep earlier then." He smirked at me.

"Why would I listen to you." I crossed my arms over my chest and glared at him. "Because I'm your favorite person" He wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"Yeah right." I scoffed at him. "You are everything but my favorite person." I tell him. "Oh wow." He pouted. "Truth hurts doesn't it" I stick my tongue out at him.

"Yes, I think I'm gonna sob because of you" He said sarcastically. "Damn right you will." I tell him with a smirk.

We finally reached the school. "Bye guys" I wave goodbye to them as I enter first period. I bump into a sweet looking girl who seemed lost and confused.

"Oh hi" I say excitedly. "Hi!" She chirped. "Are you new? I haven't seen you around here yet?" I ask the girl.

"Yeah, I just started today. I'm a little nervous." She chuckled nervously. "It's okay don't be nervous! I'm your new friend" I smile at her.

She had long blonde hair, blue eyes, she wasn't any taller than me, she also had dimples. And light freckles running around her nose and cheek bones, and some on her forehead.

"I'm Taylor Campbell." She put her hand out for me to shake. I smile widely before shaking her hand softly. "I'm Daniella smith. Or Dani."

"Here let me see your schedule" She hands me the thin paper. "Oh we have every class together, what a coincidence" I chuckle softly.

"That's good at least I'll know somebody" she smiled. "I'll introduce you to my brothers and their friends at lunch. That's mainly the only time I see them" We enter maths class.

"Okay!" She smiles.

We talked the whole time before lunch and I learned a lot about her.

Her parents used to be fashion designers, They are still very famous but they quit doing fashion. She was born in Massachusetts but came to Miami last week due to her fathers job.

She said she wasn't very good at making friends, but I think we will be fine together.

She loved Autumn season. Her favorite color was Dark red or light colored greens. Not the gross greens, the pretty ones.

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