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From a gloomy and old-looking apartment, people can witness a forest that is not very extensive but whose nature should not be underestimated

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From a gloomy and old-looking apartment, people can witness a forest that is not very extensive but whose nature should not be underestimated. The black crows flew through the darkness and uttered some agitated caws that might not be much help for peace in a room. Animals like wolves and foxes abounded in that dark place where the light barely illuminated. No one seemed to enter that forest, were they afraid of being eaten by wolves? No, it was something else. Something hidden that surely would not be pleasant to witness.

The howling of the wolves scared anyone who came near. People were thinking of killing them to stop them from tormenting people but... But you knew that they weren't capable of killing a person right now, right? Surely they were looking for food and since they could not find it, they approached people in search of help, but as the cowardly human being is, they does not dare to approach the animal larger than a normal pet like a dog.

The apartment you live in is not huge, but it is cozy and big enough for two people to live. There are a total of four rooms: the bathroom, the kitchen, the living room and a room where there is a bed for two, a comfortable desk, a closet and some other decoration and furniture...

The light from a candle illuminated the desk where you were reading a book that looked old (like most you have). You had barely reached page three hundred and twenty-one and you had already heard a growl coming from a wolf. Distractions were bad when it came to reading but... Something generated in you a risky curiosity to go see the wolf and try to pet it. That may have been a dream you've had since you were little, but now, at the age of twenty-three, it seemed risky, after all, it's a wild animal. A wolf is not a dog, no matter how much you think about it. A wolf cannot be tamed like a dog, they still have their wild instincts.

You look out the window and see nothing because of the darkness, but you hear the animal near the apartment. You spend a long time looking outside but, inevitably, you don't see anything. The only option left is to get out, right?

You don't put out the candle on your desk and leave the book on the table with the occasional bookmark. You fig with the attitude of a small child at Christmas going downstairs to see the presents under the Christmas tree.

A smile appears on your face as you leave the room. Just as you were about to step out of room 19, you realize you didn't put on your heels. You take a step back with your heart beating a thousand times and quickly put on your black shoes. You sigh agitated and stay still for a moment, thinking about something you forgot. Meat, that was all.

You return to the room and go to the kitchen where you have a large steak that you planned to cook tomorrow for dinner... But what did it matter? You had three, giving one to the wolf wasn't going to be much. You open the fridge and take the defrosted meat. You wrap it in some kind of hard white paper so that people... well, don't think: "what the hell is this lady doing with a piece of meat in her hand at one in the morning?"

While you move with agility towards the door to go see that animal that you loved so much as a child, your heels make a thud as you step on the thick reddish colored carpet which gives it a touch of royalty, or so your next door neighbor thought.

You could say that you almost fell down the stairs because you were in a hurry for the animal not to leave or for someone to scare it back into the forest, luckily you did not fall, but you got quite a scare when you tripped.

Going outside and feeling the cold night breeze just gave you goosebumps (shoulders and arms). You sigh and carefully try to drive through the darkness to where the sound is coming from. Was it risky to go? Yes, of course it was, and a lot. Too much... A famished wolf at night might not be one of the best times to get close.

Heading closer to the forest. You feel how the breeze intensifies, passing through your hair, cooling you, but at the same time, freezing your body to the ground. Perhaps you should have considered wearing a cape over yourself before going out in a dress that left part of your body bare.

You hear a growl too close. Your blood runs cold and the instinct to run for your life kicks in almost instantly, but you decide to calm down and turn slowly towards the animal that had appeared behind you. You could tell from the way it reacted that it was afraid, but he also seemed alert, defensive.

Normally wolves didn't come as close to the apartment, but it seems the need for food was more present.

"Hello boy, how are you?" You say with a shaky voice. "I brought you some food to give you some strength to hunt," You open the paper, expose the meat, tentatively grab it, and toss it to the wolf's side.

The animal stops growling and turns to sniff at the food, perhaps to make sure it's real? You couldn't make out what the wolf was trying to find out. Once he smells it enough, he grabs it between his teeth and looks at you with an intimidating glare before fleeing back into the woods.

Looks like you escaped a near-death attack by a famished wolf.

You wondered if you really did the right thing, maybe you did the wrong thing and the wolf would spend more time near the apartment looking for more flesh.

What if you just caused wolf sightings to be more frequent and with it, more injuries?

You didn't want to imagine the guilt that would fall on you if that happened.

You sighed with a headache that had just appeared at this moment out of nowhere. The best thing was to go back to sleep in room 19.

You headed to enter the apartment once more but a sudden dizziness fell over you. Oh what bad luck...

How you were able to climb the stairs to your room but just as you were about to take a heavy step to open the door, you suddenly felt dizzy and the noise in the environment gradually faded away, your vision became somewhat blurry and when you touched the doorknob you fainted with one last breath.

Minutes passed... hours... until you finally managed to recover and open your eyes.

You were in another place... It was a room with gothic furniture and decoration that... apparently you recognized instantly from where you were.

Poe... No. Edgar Allan Poe.

Your best friend.

The room of your best friend.

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