𓍯twenty two

456 16 4

Deaf Library Student x Popular Kid
Nigel x Evan

"You're going to what?"

Evan looked at Nigel nervously as he was packing up to go to Thayne's football practice. He could tell that him even agreeing to go bothered Evan, a lot.

"You can probably guess why I am going, what's there to gain truly out of going to his practice? There's always more to it than it meets the eye with me." Nigel shook his head at Evan in disappointment. "You should know that by now."

"Okay, yes, I do know this about you; but Thayne is..." Evan drifts as Nigel watched his lips intently. When he stopped speaking, Nigel looked back at his eyes in wait for him to continue.

Evan already felt like things between them were very off. They have always been off, but more off ever since they "reconciled". In which, Evan didn't want to call it even that.

He still felt like... No, he felt like now...Nigel wasn't sticking with him because he liked him. It was so that he could get as much as possible out of him to complete his initiative.

To get revenge on those who did what they did to Barry. He still...didn't know if he was apart of this revenge and he was going to be used up until the very end. Or would he take his revenge out on him once he filed through everyone else and ruined their high school lives...if not actual life.

"Thayne is what?" Nigel speaks up, causing Evan to grin awkwardly. "Do you not have anything to say or are you hiding it from me?"

"Honestly, if I was to hide anything from you, it'd honestly be a fair game. Considering how much you hide now and even back then. One little secret wouldn't hurt you, right?" Evan tried to tease, but when Nigel didn't react he looked away. "I...I just know that Thayne isn't normal. He's-."

"A psychopath?"

Evan frowned, looking back at Nigel who just waited patiently. His bag was already packed and now he just waited for a response. Except Evan was acutely aware that Nigel knew more on Thayne than he let on.

"I...I guess so."

"Well, he's not; and I know he isn't because of mitigating factors." Nigel responds back quickly, pulling on his book bag. "The term is thrown around way too much. He is far from a psychopath. If anything, he wants to be one for some odd reason. You of all people should've been able to pick up on that...or maybe not."

Nigel saw the nervousness that was coming off Evan. He could tell that he was still harboring feelings towards him, but he was also afraid. Probably because Nigel wasn't sure still either.

He debated on ending this, whatever they were. Except he also wanted to get as much as possible out of him. Evan was right to think he would go that far, but at the same time, Nigel wasn't even sure if he wanted to do anything to Evan yet.

The only reason why he still questioned it was because of the actual care he began to have for him. Even if that was so, too much was at stake now.

Evan couldn't keep his mouth shut and told Terrance of all people about Nigel's situation. Then he even told him he wasn't normal, which he knew he wasn't. He just liked pretending like he was.

Now he couldn't pretend with him because Evan already knew the truth.

And that bothered him more than he'd ever wish to admit.

"If you want to come, you can." He offers up, seeing Evan's nerves go away immediately. "Hurry though, we already missed an hour."

As Nigel watched Evan pack up, he only began to think about one thing. Why did he invite Evan? He knew it was to ease Evan's nerves, but he also knew it was to help himself.

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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