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「JACKSON, WYOMING」   December 25th, 2037— present day

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December 25th, 2037— present day

Maia slammed the door to the lodge behind her, as Tommy worked fast to lift a plank of wood and drop it into the slots on either side of the doors, blocking it momentarily.

"Hey, you okay?" Tommy asked, placing his hand gently on Abby's shoulder, the look on her face showing shock, " I'm tommy, this is Joel, what's your name?"

She looked at Maia briefly, who avoided her stare, " A-Abby." She stuttered.

The four of them jumped at the sound of the door creaking and bending, " That's not gonna hold!" Tommy called out.

"We gotta go back!" Joel spoke, his gun ready for anything that came through the door.

"We can't go back," Maia said as she quickly refilled her pistol with the remaining two bullets at the bottom of her bag, " There's no way we're gonna outrun them all the way to Jackson."

"We gotta barricade the door." As Tommy spoke the barricade at the side door of the lodge toppled as infected slammed against it."

"Tommy, we cannot stay here!" Joel yelled out.

"The horses ain't gonna make it—,"

"M-my friends—," Abby interrupted Tommy, " My friends are at a mansion just north of here, it's fenced in, we have the perimeter secured." She informed.

Maia whipped her head towards Abby as she spoke, wondering who all would've came with her.

"The Baldwin place," Joel muttered, " That could work."

"Alright, I'll get the door!" Tommy exclaimed as he ran towards the front door, removing any barricade they had put up.

Joel took off towards his own horse as Maia mounted hers, " Abby, you're with me." She spoke, offering her hand to the blonde and pulling her onto saddle.

The doors swung open, all three entrances at the same time and infected poured into the lodge. As they came closer, Maia whipped the reigns, her horse taking off as the infected lunged, missing by mere inches.

"Hold on tight!" She yelled over the wind as they exited the building and were back out in the cold once again. Abby did as she was told, wrapping her arms around Maias waist for the first time in what felt like years.

The gate to the Baldwin mansion slowly opened as the three horses and their riders approached the gate, a hoard of infected following behind them. As they crossed into the yard of the house, two guys worked quickly to close the gate and as the infected reached them, another walked forward, lighting the hoard on fire. Their groans and screams mixed with the wind and snow and carried to Maia's ears.

Abby unraveled her arms from Maias waist and jumped off the horse, offering her hand to Maia who took it, swinging her legs over the saddle and jumping down, landing gently in the snow.

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