Miss Americana cuteness (requested)

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"2016 was such a hard year for me. It was a very dark time for me and I thought I would never make it through." Taylor explained from her spot on the sofa in the home you share. "It was extremely difficult. I was at the lowest point in my life. I thought my career and my whole life was just over."

She stared at her fingers that rested on her lap and a heavy breath fell from her lips as she thought back to that year.

Today, she's filming for her documentary, Miss Americana, and she's trying to be as open as she possibly can to everyone who will watch.

"I thought that there was no way that I'd ever find someone who would love me and choose that lifestyle. Because even though that was a while ago, some people still aren't very kind." She chuckled. "But then... I met Y/N."

The frown that had been on her face prior to mentioning you had faded away and now, a big and bright smile was on her lips.

"And she changed everything for me. She's just so amazing. She doesn't pay attention to the things people say about me. She has her moments when it can get a little overwhelming, such as when we're out and we get followed by paparazzi. But that's natural."

She stared at the promise ring on her finger; the one you gave to her very recently.

"She is the best thing to ever happen to me. I don't know what I ever did to deserve her. I'm the luckiest woman in the whole world. She's gorgeous inside and out, she's my biggest supporter, and she loves me for who I am rather than what the rest of the world sees. She's just incredible. I'm so lucky."

She couldn't help but giggle happily.

As Taylor continued to speak, she knew that this would be the part where clips of the two of you would come in.

She selected some of her absolute favorite moments that you've shared over the years.

It was hard to narrow it down to just a few clips, but she's proud of the ones she chose.

The clips that were shown were of you two out on a cute little lunch date.

It wasn't a warm day but it wasn't cold either; it was just comfortable enough for you to wear one of her hoodies and rather than sitting across from each other, you were sitting right beside her with your head resting on her shoulder as you enjoyed a nice meal together.

She made sure to put some clips in of you sharing some PDA - when you were out at different spots in the city, sneaking a few kisses here and there. Despite all of the people that walked by in that particular clip, no one intruded on you two as you stayed in your own little world.

She showed some of her favorite clips where she would kiss your hand, kiss your lips, hold you close in her embrace, and give you the warmest hugs.

She also made sure to put in clips from when you two were at concerts from other artists; such as the time you went to see one of Selena's shows and you were in the very front row, holding each other and singing along to the songs while stealing a kiss here and there.

But her favorite clip of all had to be the one where you fell asleep with your head on her shoulder while she was in the studio.

It was when she was alone, just working on some lyrics and singing softly.

You had become so content with her so close to you as her beautiful voice filled your ears as she worked on songs that were, of course, inspired by you.

She had been so focused on finishing up one of the songs that she hadn't noticed that you were falling asleep until she went to ask you for your opinion on one of the lyrics and she saw you sleeping soundly on her shoulder.

She carefully reached for her phone and turned the camera over to face the two of you.

"Look at my sweet girl here." She smiled proudly as she zoomed in on you sleeping.

The brightest smile pulled at her lips and the love she felt was evident in her eyes as she just recorded a sweet moment between the two of you.

She turned her head to give yours a kiss before staring at you adoringly and, ever so softly, she spoke.

"I love you so much, darling."

There were more clips that would be shown.

Such as the times she played songs she had written for you, when you celebrated your birthday as well as hers, when you kissed under the mistletoe at Christmas, when she came home one day to find you snuggled up in bed with the cats, when she taught you how to play the piano, and just cute little clips of you two sharing kisses and words of love.

"It's so hard for me to stop talking about her once I start." She giggled, knowing that the clips would be done at this point and would focus back on her. "She's my whole world. I never thought I'd meet someone that I would fall so deeply in love with. I never thought someone could love me just as much. Also, with my job and my life, I didn't think I'd ever find someone I want to settle down with someday."

She paused and shook her head with the warmest smile as she began to tear up.

Being able to talk about how much she loves you and how much you mean to her meant so much to her and just talking about how you made her dreams come true and how you've shared such sweet, loving moments together is making her want to happy cry.

"But I have. I've found someone I want to spend the rest of my life with. I want to grow old with her and start a family with her and make all of her dreams come true. I just want her to stay by my side forever. I'm very lucky and I'm very in love. I can't wait to see what our future looks like."

"Is there a proposal on the horizon?" One of the crew members asked.

Taylor didn't even have to stop to think about it before answering.

"Absolutely." She grinned. "It'll probably be a while still but yeah, of course. I'm looking forward to the day that I ask her to be my wife. Who knows, by the time this releases, we might be engaged." She said, shrugging her shoulders.

She giggled as people in the room cooed over hearing that.

But Taylor meant it wholeheartedly.

She meant everything she said and she couldn't wait for the world to see just how happy and in love she truly is.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Five (gxg)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora