A Taste of Freedom

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Wow, it's been quite a while. Time seriously flies. Sorry about the wait, y'all; hope everyone enjoys the chapter!

P.S. I do not own MLP or the song in the attachment above. Enjoy!

Spirit's POV

Good news! Even though Lance got thoroughly chewed out by Celestia and Luna for taking me flying when I was grounded, I'm still not punished anymore! Though, Lance was sweating a little after the princesses had a "talk" with him. We quietly thank him for his sacrifice; let it be known, it is much appreciated. 

On another note, the princesses have lightened up on my supervision, even if it's not by much. At least Luna doesn't stalk me in my dreams anymore!

...I know, kind of a low bar, but I'll take what I can get. 

But! After another week of pestering, Luna and Celestia are finally letting me go back to Ponyville to see the Cutie Mark Crusaders! Isn't that great?!!

You may be wondering why it took a week. 

Well, part of it is that I had to keep on bugging the princesses about it, because despite not being grounded anymore, they're obviously still way too overprotective and nervous about me going anywhere without them. I had to agree to taking Lance and an entourage of guards just to get them off my back! 

That's the other thing that took so long; you would think organizing a retinue of guards would be easy. 

It's not.

And because I can't fly all the way there by myself, I have to take the royal chariot. 

Overkill, much? 

Seriously, the thing is solid gold! I'm trying to visit my friends; I don't need a moving palace to do it!!

Ugh. Anyway, ignoring all that, I get to see my friends again! Haha! 

"What are you giggling about, your highness?" Lance asks me with an amused smile from where he's sitting across from me. 

Since Lance is the head of my personal guard, (and my favorite), he's sitting with me in the carriage. The rest of my guards are either flying the chariot or flying beside it. 

Is 50 guards for one prince too much? 

"I'm just excited, Lance."

"I can tell, you're bouncing in your seat."

With an embarrassed blush, I plant my tail down and sit up straight. I hadn't even realized I was doing it.

Lance covers a chuckle, probably realizing this. 

I huff, remaining dignified like the prince I am. 

And even if I was pouting, I still looked dignified!

"Ah, we're here." Lance voices, nodding to the left. 

I poke my head out and realize he was right, Ponyville is just below us. Smoothly, the guards flying the carriage lower us down to the main square. 

And as soon as they touch down, the carriage is surrounded by crazy ponies. 

"All hail Prince Spirit!"

"Your highness! It's so wonderful to see you!"

"I can't believe it's really him!"

"Oh, he's adorable!"

I blush at the last comment, and the guards that were flying around the carriage finally move to direct the crowds back so Lance and I can get out. 

Lance stays close while we move, helping to block the flashing of cameras from blinding me. Doing my best to look around through the crowds and the lights, I finally spot who I came here to see. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2023 ⏰

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