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【15】Flawless Harmony

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Although the man hadn't sat next to me for more than ten seconds, I found myself growing increasingly anxious for Ulrik's return. I longed for his reassuring presence, a comfort that would dispel the uneasy atmosphere that surrounded me.

"Excuse me?" I asked, unsure I'd heard him correctly.

His expression, as if he believed he held all the answers, and his self-assured demeanor only added to the unease I felt. He gestured toward my bracelet. "This means you're here with someone, and we're meant to avoid you," he explained.

The confusion caused my eyebrows to knit together as I glanced down at the black band adorning my wrist. What? Did a black bracelet truly mean that? I looked around, assessing the other bracelets, and while I could see gold, silver, bronze, and quite a few white, I couldn't see a single black one.

Something twinged in my chest, a mix of doubt and betrayal at the idea that Ulrik might have used my lack of knowledge to do this. There was a massive difference between him saying he wished he could keep me all to himself like a priceless artifact and him isolating me from the world like this.

Realizing that I was giving the word of a perfect stranger more weight than my trust in Ulrik, I reeled back my conflicted emotions and gave the man a blank stare. "Maybe you should keep avoiding me, then," I said with feigned confidence.

He smiled a crooked, icey smile that revealed his sharp canine. "This one, however..." he continued nevertheless, gesturing at the Jörmungandr bracelet, "...it's a fine piece. And a very interesting choice of lore. I saw you enter with...Westergaard, is it?"

My eyes instinctively darted to the backroom, hoping Ulrik would return soon. The unease this man conjured in me was tying my stomach in knots. The man was of relatively tall build, from what I could see, but he was undeniably slender. Since Ulrik would clearly have a physical advantage over him, I decided to use that as a way to protect myself.

"I'm here with him, yes. And he's a very possessive man, so maybe you should leave before he returns."

The stranger chuckled, a deep sound that sounded false and eerie. "I'm not afraid of your date, young one. I'm above him, you see," he explained, raising his hand as he twisted his arm to proudly reveal his bracelet from under his dark green tweed jacket. He was a gold member.

"Good for you. I would like to return to my quiet contemplation if you don't mind."

I did just that, dismissing the breathy chuckle that poured out of him and focussing on the pit below. If I ignored him for long enough, he would eventually move on. Adding to what was happening, I could feel the altering effect of the booze, which I'd downed too fast. It seemed that the bar was generous in its dosage, and the alcohol was already making its way into my bloodstream.

"You're feisty. I like that," he noted, which made my skin crawl. Even in a place like this, a woman couldn't be left alone?

Just as I was about to ask him to leave me be again, I sensed a hand grazing my bare arm. The unwanted gesture was my breaking point. An instinctual surge of adrenaline coursed through my veins. My body seemed to move of its own accord as my Krav Maga training kicked in.

Without a second thought, I swiftly grabbed hold of his wrist, using a combination of speed and precision to catch him off guard. With a fluid motion, I twisted his arm around, which forced him to bend away from me as my free hand pressed between his shoulder blades. That immobilized him without causing harm but made it abundantly clear that I would not tolerate his unwanted advances.

"Leave me alone," I asserted firmly, my voice resolute and unwavering.

As the creep winced in discomfort, his arrogant demeanor faltered, replaced with a mixture of surprise and embarrassment. It was evident that he hadn't expected such resistance, and the realization that his advances had been thwarted left him visibly unnerved.

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