Chapter 21

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Runner up cover------> (Sorry, i have forgotten who had made it, the forum i had it saved on had gotten deleted. so who ever made this i am sorry that i can't say your name. but you are truly amazing for making me the cover:) )

I smile and wave at the kids and their mothers. I had met almost everyone in the pack, and they were super nice to me. They seemed to have remembered me from Sasha's birthday because they smiled back and waved, even some said hi. When I made it to the front door my palms starting sweating even more. 

Bringing my hand up I knock on the door and wait for it to open. A moment later it opens, Jamie standing on the other side grinning like a Chester cat. 

"Dee! What I nice surprise," She says grabbing my arm and pulling me into the house. "Preston is finishing up a last minute meeting. You can go to his room and wait for him if you wanted."  

I smile and thank her and make my way to his room. At least I have a few more minutes to calm my beating heart. When I make it to his room I close the door behind me and sit on his bed. It's clean like always, but his bed remained unmade. Like he just rolled out of bed and started his day. Not liking unmade beds I made his bed, giving my hands something to do other than shake. 

I sit down on his bed again, my heart hammering in my chest. You can do this Dee, stay strong. I whisper to myself as the door opens a few minutes later. 

"Dee! You're here." I hear Preston say from the doorway. Lifting my eyes away from my shaking hands I look up and meet his blue eyes.  

He's grinning from ear to ear, looking so elated that I showed up. I couldn't help the smile that blossomed on my face, his smile was contagious. I stood up as he practically ran to me, throwing his arms over me and hugging me close. Not once did I flinch away I just smiled and wrapped my own around his neck, pulling him in tighter. He buried his head into my hair and took a deep breath making my heart pound faster. 

"Hello to you too," I tease pulling back a little bit after a few moments of us just hugging each other. 

He grins and sets me down unto my feet lightly. "I didn't expect you to be in my room." He says when he finally moves back, his arms are still holding my waist, my own resting lightly on his chest. I blush and drop them to my sides giving him a soft smile. 

"Your mom let me in." I explain moving back and sitting on the bed. 

He nods as if that explains everything. "I'm glad you're here." He says. 

I swallow at this, "Well we do have things to discuss." I agree making his smile drop just slightly. He rubs the back of his neck and sighs. 

"Yeah, I guess we do." He mumbles. 

I lay on his bed on my back, my head tipping over the side, my hair running down to the floor as I stare at him upside down. He's sitting on the floor right next to my head, his back resting on the mattress. 

I'm quiet for a moment, just studying his face. He looks happy, his eyes shining brightly, a slight flush on his cheeks, the smile on his lips. I bite my own lip and tear my eyes from his own plump lips; I just want to kiss him again. 

"So what did you want to talk about?" I say softly turning my head so our eyes could meet. 

"A lot, the kiss, our friendship, my secret, and your secret, what I feel-" He breaks off.  

I chew the inside of my cheek as I watch him. It looks like he's struggling on what to say, like he doesn't know where to go with this conversation. 

"What is your biggest fear?" Preston asks so suddenly.  

I stare at him with wide eyes; this is not the way I saw this conversation going down. His question was so out of the blue. One moment he wants to talk about the kiss and everything else then he asks me what I fear most. I turn over so that I'm lying on my stomach. 

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