4: The 'Bad' Sanses

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Y/N is at the gate of Nightmare's Castle as he is about to knock but before he could, Nightmare opened the gate with the other 'bad' sanses behind him.

"Who are you? What business do you have here?", said Nightmare shook by the guest's aura.

"Hello there, King of Negativity. I assure you I mean no harm. My name is Y/N and I guess you could say I'm an an accuaintance of Error404. I came here to meet you all, because I'm a big fan of you all.", said the human assuring the goopy skeleton

"Error404...? If that's the case, than why did you unleash your aura all over my realm?" "Ah, I am terrably sorry about that. You see, I just recently got this power and I didn't know my aura was so powerful.", Y/N said as he absorbed most of his aura. He now had the aura of a powerful sans but nowhere near what he had before.

Nightmare seeing this began to loosen up a bit and asked the stranger "You said you are a fan of us? Why is that? We are only destroying aus to cause havoc. What reason whould you have to admire us?"

"Well, that's because I know the truth, of course. I know that you don't cause havoc because you want to. You do it because you have to. Because of the balance. Same as Error over there.", assured Y/N excited that he finally got to meet them.

Than Error got to the door and asked the human "YoU SaId You kNoW 404?" "Yes, I decided to help him rebuild Alphatale." "AnD hoW aRe YoU goNnA do ThAt?" The human tought a bit if he should tell them that he is a creator but decided to do so.

"Well, despite the looks of it I am a Creator.", announced Y/N as all the 'bad' sanses beside Error began to back away. "But don't worry. Like I said I mean no harm."

"1f You aRe a Cr3atOr, thAn hoW ar3 yOu h3Re?", asked Error with his voice glitching a bit more "I git hit by a truck in my world and woke up in the Original Undertale. "

Y/N suddenly got an idea as he snapped his fingers and used his 'Ability Creation' (which basically allowes him to do anything) to transformed into a skeleton resembling Sans but with a tear under his left eye, a F/C jacket and S/F/C pants with black shoes. "I hope this appearance is more confortable for you."

Nightmare came back to the door and said "Yes, thank you and come in. We can talk about this more inside." "Thanks Nightmare."

As they went inside and sat on a couch, Horror brought some cookies and some tea for them to eat. Awkward silence filled the room as the sanses tried to process what they were just told. The silence broke as Y/N said "I have an idea. Why don't we get to know each other over a game of cards? But please don't use Chara and Papyrus to cheat." They were all surprised by this and the ghosts looked at each other. Dust decided to ask "How did you know about them?" "I know everything about this... reality? Eden Orb? Lets just say I know everything related to Alphatale. That includes all of you're aus"

They decided to play Uno. They played a few games and the 'bad' sanses were getting more confortable until Killer got mad at Dust, because he kept skipping his turn. Killer took out a knife and slice the table in half. Nightmare's face fell, not knowing that this new 'Creator' whould do. But Y/N just chuckled and snapped his fingers as the table was back to normal. After that the 'bad' sanses were not affraid of Y/N anymore.

Y/N decided to ask Nightmare if he could stay some days at his mansion, since he was basically homeless and wanted to spend more time with the 'bad' sanses. Nightmare agreed and they all went to eat the food Horror spend his time cooking.

As they started eating, Y/N noticed the food was very good, so he decided to copy the food so he could bave some later.

After they finished eating, Killer decided to ask the now skeleton Creator "So, Y/N, do you really know everything?" "Well, not really. A lot of things differ from Multiverse to Multiverse. Why do you ask?" "Well then, why don't we play a game? We each get to ask a question and you will be able to know more about this multiverse." "Sure. Why not? It should be fun."

They moved to the living room and Killer began with the questions "So Y/N, what was your world like?" Y/N tought for a bit and answered "Well my world was kinda advanced with technology. I guess if you think about it it's a few years more advanced than the original Undertale."

Y/N asked Killer a question "Killer, does your Chara follow you around like Cross!Chara and Phantom!Papyrus or does she just stay dormant in your soul? I can't see her anywhere." "She comes out sometimes to torment me about the past." "I'm sorry to hear that. The Chara in your au was more crazy than the others, which is a bit unusual." "Yea."

Dust asked Y/N after that "Y/N. What powers do you have?" "Well I can pretty much do anything as long as I can imagine it." "That's cool..."

Then Y/N asked a question "Dust, if you don't mind me asking, how many genocide runs did the human in your au do?" "... 5.324.432. After that I hit my breaking point." "Hmm... I'm impressed you managed to last that long. I know some versions of you that broke at a few hundred. You were allways my favourite, after 404 of course." Y/N muttered the last sentence but Dust heard it anyway which brought a smile to his face.

Horror asked Y/N "How do Creators create new aus?" "Well to tell you that I first have to begin with Undertale. In my world, Undertale is a video game created by toby fox. Fun fact the dog that allways steals Papyrus' special attack is names toby after the creator. Anyway the comunity loved the game so much that they began to create new alternative universes or aus by themselves. Every au has a wiki page, which is like an internet page with most of the thing from that au, but if you wanted ti know everything from a certain au, you still had to search through the internet for it. In my case, I may be a creator but I never actually created any au. Does that answer your question?" "Y-Yea..." said the skeleton with a hole in his skull still shocked by the news.

"Horror, how are your brother and the rest of the underground? I assume Nightmare began sending them food from Farmtale after you joined?" "Yea, he has. He even fixed paps' teeth." "I'm glad to hear that.

Next was cross but before he could ask his question, Nightmare stood up and said "The balance is shifting too much on the positive side. Sorry to interrupt you're game but we have to spread some negativity right now." "Its allright. I'll help you guys if you'd allow me to" "Sure. Lets go", said Nightmare as he created a gooey portal.

The gang and Y/N found themselves in Underswap copy #588 as Y/N couldn't wait to test out some abilities.


Words: 1311

A/N: Hello everyone, I think this is the longest chapter yet. Two chapters in a day. Sorry again for the late update. I hope you liked the chapter. See you soon.

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