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A/N it's currently midnight and my laptop is dead so I'm using my phone so pls ignore my grammar mistakes cuz right now it's 12:25 a.m and I have to wake up at 8 but ik I won't wake up so what the point anyway honestly

Valentina Romano:
Yay! Shopping..

I walk into my room quietly closing the door so I don't alarm anyone. I look at my closet to see what I should wear. I don't have much. So I decide on some baggy cargos a black shirt, a oversized jacket paired with high converse which Bianca randomly gave me.

 So I decide on some baggy cargos a black shirt, a oversized jacket paired with high converse which Bianca randomly gave me

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What she wore (without the cap)

I take the clothes with me into the shower and neatly place them over the coat hanger. I turn on the shower while I strip out of my clothes. I look at the mirror as I examine my 'battle scars'. They don't seem to be healing or anytime soon.

I don't really have a problem with seeing the bruises on my chest or stomach but I am too afraid to look at my back. If Marco was really drunk, he would carve words and probably slurs on my back. I'm too afraid to look at them. And I never will.

I snap out of my thoughts and test the water. It was the perfect temperature. it wasn't too hot and wasn't too cold. I step into the shower and I feel the water rushing down my body.

I grab my I think vanilla scented shampoo and body wash with some conditioner.

I can never get over of how good this body wash smells. It smells like Christmas. And I am definitely the definition of Christmas lover.

I finish showering and pat myself down trying to mind the bruises and not do it so quickly or put too much pressure on certain parts of my body.

I wrap myself In a towel when I hear "Val? Tesoro?" Someone says. I recognize that voice. Alex?

"Yea?" I answer from the bathroom "it's already 9:48, you okay?" He asks. Omg... Alex? The big huge muscular scary guy is... SOFT?

"Yea I'm fine, I'm changing. " I say to him with a grin on my face as zip up my jacket. "Kay, don't take to long because Lorenzo does not like people who are late" he says.

I quickly blend in concealer on my face and neck. I unlock the door and throw my dirty clothes in the hamper. I see Alex man spreading with his elbows on both of his elbows on each leg. As he holds his phone up.

He pats the bed signaling to sit beside him. I haven't put on my shoes yet so I jump on the bed and crossed my legs.
"What's up?" I ask him looking at him. This is definitely not Alex.

"I don't hate you." He says. Hate me? What? Wait...

"What?" I ask in confusion. No... It can't. If he does understand Bahasa I am dead. I am six foot underground. I'm deceased.

"I know bahasa. I really really REALLY love you. Seriously I do. But me and Sandro were so young when you were taken away from us. I can't accept the fact that you are here. With us. With me. All these years I had a empty hole In my heart and now it's filled because you are here and I am definitely not used to it. And I only know bahasa from duo lingo" he says chuckling as he opens his phone and shows me that the whole reason that he was on his phone was because he was using some app with some green owl on it.

"How did you manage to learn bahasa?" He asks. It's probably suspicious because I do not have a phone. "My ice skating coach back in Vancouver? She's Indonesian. She taught me how to speak in bahasa. She is like my second mother honestly" I say as I look back and remember the time I was struggling to say "perempuan" which means girl.

"Come one let's go down stairs before our very dear scary older brother kills us with our own hands" he says as he stands up from the bed. I quickly grab my shoes and tie my shoelaces.

It's a huge flex that I can tie my shoelaces under 5 seconds. I know I am a genius. You don't have to tell me twice.

I walk down the stairs with a small sling bag with my small wallet, gum, body mist, extra tampons/ pads and some gum.

Lorenzo sees me and puts his phone in his pocket. "Hey sorrellina, come one let's go!" He says, he sound so cheerful. What is wrong with everyone today?

Eli comes next to me and slings his arm over my shoulder. He places it on my bruised shoulder, me not expecting it and him being twice the size and triple the weight I wince in pain.

"You okay val?" Rocco asks. Well shi- I mean- uh- shat? " Yea you okay? That seemed like it hurt.." Eli says looking worried. "Yea, last time I skated I fell on my shoulder doing a jump." I say trying to cover up my lie.

"Can I check it?" Rocco says. No. Wait actually it's fine, besides I didn't have any other visible bruises the rest are on my back, ribs, stomach, legs. He's only looking at my shoulder. I did cover my arms up with a sh- shat ton of concealer.

I nod as I take one side of my jacket off and kind of slip of the right side of my short to reveal the greenish, yellow, purple and blue bruise. Everyone gasps. I mean yeah it was a huge bruise but wait until you find out the rest of my so called 'accidents'.

"Tesoro... This is the biggest bruise I have every seen... And definitely one of the most injured ones I seen I mean I guess I have seen worse." He says as he looks at my shoulder like it's some kind of prized possession.

"Don't worry, Rocco is a health freak and a doctor" Sandro says. I haven't seen my sister's yet. " where's Bianca and Elena?" I ask. I mean they both told me they are 'shopping girlies' that's what they called themselves and I am pretty sure they wouldn't pass up the opportunity of missing out on a whole day of shopping.

"Dad needed their help at work." Sandro says as he chugs a water bottle. "I'll check this out once we get home Kay?" Rocco says as he pulls my shirt up. "Yea okay" I say as I walk over to the garage.

I haven't been to the garage yet and Oh my heebie jeebies. THERE ARE SO MANY CARS!! knowing myself I can't stop myself from looking at these beauty's.

A car that caught my eye was a matte black mercedes with golden details, and when I say I found my soulmate. I am not kidding.

I run over to the car as I admire it. "You like cars?" Alex asks in a confused tone. "I LOVE CARS! SERIOUSLY THERE ARE MAGNIFICENT AND RADIANT." I say as I trace my fingers over the golden details

" I say as I trace my fingers over the golden details

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"Whose car is it?" I ask still in a trance. "It's Bianca's. She somehow has really good taste in cars. She has two. And audi r8 and the Mercedes with a kawasaki." Sandro says.

Bianca is my favourite sister now. Sorry Elena I still love you.

"Oh my jeezies." I say but remember we have to go shopping.. I really don't want to..

"Come on let's go shopping." Eli says as I get up and we head to a black suv.

Let the 'fun' begin

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