87; Night Festival Part 2

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Madam Ning fell on the floor, however over her was Ning Yuan staring into nothing. 

"That's unfair Muqin, YOU'RE SO UNFAIR!" 

Soon Ning Yuan Stoop down and touches her chest, "please, be quiet now" 

Soon a red mist starts to evaporate from the body of Madam Ning, as she grips onto Ning Yuan as she feels immense pain. It was as if her soul was being ripped from her body and someone was grasping her heart. Tears of pain fell from her eyes as she looked at her daughter smiling gleefully at her while she suffered, her veins popping up her nails skins into Ning Yuan's delicate baby-like skin. As she slowly loses consciousness all she could remember is the glowing crimson eyes of her daughter staring hungrily at her.

After the mist dissipates, Ning Yuan eases up staggering back as her glowing eyes blinks a few times before reverting back to normal. Holding her head she feels a slight headache before looking down. 

Upon looking down Ning Yuan's face loses all its colour upon the realisation of what she's done, "MOTHER!!"

She immediately snoops down to hold her, checking her wrist for a pulse, only to feel nothing in the end. "No, no, no, mother you can't leave me! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Ah! Master! He'll know!" 

She tries to calm her heart and mind and with a flash of her sleeves she teleports into her master's lair. 


The master enters from an open area with hands behind him, he pauses when he sees his disciple covered in blood with an elderly woman in her arms.

"Little one, what have you done?" He asks seemingly astonished. 

"I-it was an accident! I was feeling down and then, and then, THIS! Help me master I cannot lose her, she is my mother! *hic*hic*" 

Ning Yuan weeps as she holds her mother in her arms, why did she do it? Why? Why? 

The master slowly walks towards her then gently pats her head then puts on a sad smile as he holds her chin up towards him. "Don't worry my little disciple, there is a way to save your mother but it will come at a price" 

"I DON'T CARE! As long as I can save my mother! As long as I can bring her back!" She cried out. 

The master stoops down matching her level, with gentle eyes he looks into her eyes and says. "Yuan, I've told you about our cultivation, right? I've told you that our cultivation weighs heavily on karma, right? Now that you spill the blood of a loved one your Qi has been corrupted… there is a way to bring your mother back to life but the price will be blood for blood, life for life." He said.

Ning Yuan looks at him confused, "I have to k-kill someone?" 

"No worries child, it doesn't have to be a human animals will do" 

Ning Yuan didn't like hurting anyone and that includes animals, in fact she didn't even eat meat! But for her mother she will do it! 

"For mother, I'll do anything!" 

The master hid his devious smile as they both began to prepare, placing Madam Ning on the large stone. He takes Ning Yuan's hand and cuts her palm, spilling her blood in the water bowl the master throws the water over the mother then sits where the Zither was and begins to play it. Ning Yuan watches as her master gently strings the Zither while her mother lays coldly on the stone. 

As time went by and it seemed as though it wasn't working, Ning Yuan was about to give up when Madam Ning gently opened her eyes. She looks around confused where she is when Ning Yuan runs to her and hugs her. 

"Mother! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'll never hurt you ever again" 

With the master's shadow a figure could be seen as the master watches the two. 

"Master, how is this possible? How can she be-" 

"Hmp, easy, unlike ancient dragons and some great heavenly bond creatures, humans cannot see the soul therefore easier to trick the memories of the human is so precious isn't it? Kekeke" 










Ning Jie smiles as he takes two skewers as the emperor pays for it he then proceeds to stuff both in his mouth he really loves street vender foods very much. He grabs the emperor's hands to watch the dancer fluttering like a fairy but as soon as he sees the emperor he soon uses the dancing cloth to flirt with the emperor. 

But being the emperor he is and finding it difficult to understand flirtatious acts he becomes puzzled when Ning Jie pouts then drags him away from the performance.

Soon he was dragged to a mask shop where Ning Jie points at a dragon mask for him and he points a fox for Ning Jie, after obtaining their master Ning Jie intertwined hands with the emperor as they walk through the busy crowd of this event. 

The two wondered where to head next, Ning Jie pointing at the drinking tournament, the emperor pointing at the sweet maker shop. Ning Jie founds but the emperor gently tugs him to go where he pays the sweet man to make a sweet in Ning Jie's image removing Ning Jie's mask he makes one but not feeling satisfied he removes the emperor's mask and ask for another in the emperor's image. 

Ning Jie gave the one that looks like him to the emperor and ate the emperor. 

They then watch the drinking tournament, where the winner gets boisterous, challenging the crowd and Ning Jie joins in place of the emperor. Unknown to him the emperor cannot get drunk unless it's heavenly ingredients therefore these wines lack the substance he needs to get drunk. And so the emperor wins every tournament too easily. 

"HAHAHA! Did you see the look on that man's face when you chug down the wine as if it were mere water?!" 

"Jie Er is naughty" 

"How am I naughty? I was simply putting up a challenge! He wanted one!" Ning Jie defends himself 

"Why did I have to do it?" 

"Because you're always watching me it's my turn to watch you!" He said flirtatiously.


Ning Jie laughs but was suddenly taken aback when the emperor took him put on bridal style and gave the man by the lake some money then hops in the boat putting Ning Jie gently down then slowly kick start it. 

"Wow, his highness is so romantic a boat ride" 

"Fireworks" suddenly out of his purse were a plate of snacks and fairy wine. 

"Fireworks with wine and snacks?! Marry oh great emperor Wei Zhao" he teases, crawling up closer very sneakily.

"Sit" he commands.

Ning Jie grabs the emperor to sit then rests his head in between his arms as they both look into the sky as the fireworks go off while they drink and eat.


Imagine one of your best night is ultimately the last night you spend with a someone dare to you?

Imagine losing someone and did not know you lost someone?

Imagine thinking that someone you care about you hates you when in truth the person you love is already gone?

Like this is Ning Jie's last truly happy moment with his mom and he doesn't even know it.

His first date is the last day of his mom

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