Unreleased - These Two Boys

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Todd's POV

Before, we were just these two boys.

But something changed between us that night. That night on the bridge, when Neil tossed my duplicate desk set into the night sky. Something shifted between us, and the air we breathed felt different, lighter almost. There was something more in his eyes when I caught his gaze across the library. There was something stronger in his hands when he wrapped his arm around my shoulder when we walked. There was something electric in the room when we stayed up half the night laughing in our beds. Everything we did from that moment on, stuck with me. Like when I'd read to him, and he'd lay his head down on my lap, sometimes falling asleep. Sharing cigarettes as we sat on either side of the window seat, our legs tangled between us. Neil started leaving little notes in my textbooks. Little drawings he had done, or funny comments about people we knew. Nothing I would have ever shared with the other poets, and he knew that. Eventually I started returning them, sneaking them into his books when he wasn't looking. I knew how to make him laugh, and every so often I'd hear muffled laughter from him in the study hall, or better yet, in class. Then I'd wait, see him nonchalantly turning his head around, until he'd meet my eyes and smile. Making him smile filled me with such joy, I couldn't even put it into words.

Neil's POV

After that first night we kissed in our dorm, Todd and I were no longer just these two boys who liked each other in secret. We were anything and everything to each other. It was a miracle we were able to keep our hands off each other for so long during the regular school day. I'd never felt so close to someone in my entire life. We get in little moments here and there when no one's looking, a hand on the shoulder, hips bumped together, thighs pressed tightly against one another as we sat on the benches in the cafetorium.

But we always found time to practice my lines down by the dock. I find it really brings Todd out of his shell, and I love seeing him open up to be the wonderful human I know he hides half of the time. About a month ago I suggested that we incorporate some of Todd's poetry into our rehearsals, telling him that it would just keep things fresh,but secretly, I just craved hearing the words he wrote. Plus, he never seemed to be against it. And so all of those words I heard scratched out onto paper, but tucked away into his desk before I got the chance to read them, were finally coming to life, and I couldn't be happier.

3rd person POV

Neil and Todd continued to throw random items off of the bridge, in honour of "Todd's Terrible Birthday", but they never got caught. They continued to share clothing, sometimes without ever telling the other one what they were taking, and nobody ever really seemed to notice. They danced together in their dorm. They took turns pushing each other on the old wooden swing they found out in the woods. They were no longer just these two boys, they were Neil & Todd, and they were absolutely head over heels for each other.

This was suchhhh an old piece I had, maybe even the first bit of writing I actually did for this story. It's not a long part, but I just couldn't not include it :)
- Peggy

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