My Hero (Part 2)

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My eyes widened, and I opened my mouth to scream. His hand flew to my face, covering my mouth and muffling any sounds.

I thrashed in his arms, trying to make enough noise to catch Sam or Sebastian's attentions. They didn't so much as look in my direction.

"Shhhh, calm down birdie. I just wanna get a little taste of you. You looked absolutely divine standing up there by your grange display," the man whispered, pulling me back behind a tree, completely out of sight.

He was tall and sweaty, and he kind of smelled. His grey eyes were wrinkled at the corners and his black hair looked to be slicked back with grease.

"Let me go!" I tried to say through the hand that was covering my mouth.

"Stop moving," he growled.

He pushed my face into the side of the tree, licking a slimy stripe up the side of my neck, "Mmm, you taste just how I imagined, farmer."

My eyes widened as I realized what his intentions were, "S-stop, please don't do this!"

He smiled with his yellow teeth, "Too late"

He roughly spun me around, pinning my hands above my head. I could do nothing against him, our size difference was too big.

I cried out as he ripped the front of my shirt, the same one that Alex had complemented this morning. I wanted to get out of here.

The man left bites and kisses all over my neck and breasts as I desperately tried to get out of his grasp.

I stopped moving.

He was distracted with his zipper.

Now was my chance.

Before he could anticipate what I was doing, I kneed him in the crotch, drawing my galaxy sword and holding it protectively in front of me.

"Crazy bitch!" he yelled.

I backed away, clutching at the front of my shirt as I ran as far as I could. I didn't dare look back, if he was chasing me, it would slow me down.

I didn't stop until I bumped into someone's back. Sebastian turned around, giving me a smile before his eyes landed on my disheveled state, "Leslie?" he said with a frown.

"Yoba, Les what happened to you?" Sam said from beside him, taking off his blue jacket and setting it over my shoulders. I gratefully accepted it, holding it closed over my chest with shaky hands.

"There was a man, he... he was gonna... C-Can you take me to Alex please?" I asked, stumbling over my words as I finally looked behind me to make sure the man didn't follow.

"Of course," Sebastian said softly, sharing a look with Sam.

We took a path to go around town square to avoid unnecessary stares. I walked between the two, still feeling uneasy as my eyes darted around.

They didn't ask me any questions, only staying close, comforting me in silence.

We finally made it to the clearing with the picnic benches, and I immediately found Alex walking back to our table with two take-away boxes in hand. Evelyn and George were no longer sitting there. They must have gone home.

As soon as he set them down, he looked up, his gaze immediately locking with mine. I saw the confusion in his eyes as he took in my tear-stricken face, the blue jacket I held tightly, and Sam and Sebastian standing on either side of me.

He was in front of us in no time, the food on the table completely forgotten,

"Les? What happened?"

I didn't answer him, only stepping forward to wrap my arms around him, burying my face in his chest.

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