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Harleen's pacing anxiously outside the apartment block when we arrive, phone pressed to her ear and chewing on her fingernails. Her face lights up when she sees us, and I reluctantly pull my hand free from Doctor Crane's as she launches upon me.

"Sienna!" She flings her arms around me. "What happened! I was asking that sexy butler driver to take me back but he said he had strict orders and had to go somewhere, and then I called the cops and they laughed in my face, you had me worried sick!"

"I'm so sorry," I tell her, squeezing her back. "There was a... wait, sexy butler? Alfred?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"Super sexy," Harleen insists. "But that's not the point!" She turns her attention to Jonathan, as though just noticing him. I can almost see the cogs turning in her brain.

"Good evening, Doctor Quinzel," he says pleasantly.

"You two bump into each other?" She asks suspiciously.

He says, "Actually, I'm here to offer you both a place to stay tonight. There are far too many bedrooms in my house going unused."

I glance at him. The prospect is beyond thrilling.

"You don't have to do that," I begin to say.

"We accept!" Harleen declares. "Thank you, Doctor Crane. I would say we'll go pack some things, but the stupid superintendent's adamant nobody's getting in until every last freaking apartment's been checked, not to mention every pipe and valve."

"Please don't worry, Doctor Quinzel. I'll ensure you're both provided for."

"Well, Sienna, you seem to have chosen a perfect gentleman to help us tonight." Harleen falls into step beside us as we begin to walk, Jonathan leading the way. "Unlike the other one I left you with. What happened to warrant assault?"

"I'll tell you later," I murmur, not missing the smirk on Jonathan's face.

"I'm parked at the station," he tells us as we draw near. "My house is only a short drive away. We'll need to make a stop."

Harleen lets out a low whistle as we reach Jonathan's car. "Is that the latest Bentley?"

It's entirely black and glossy, the sort of car that could disappear into the night and be visible only if the round headlamps are turned on.

He smiles politely. "And here I thought I'd chosen something discreet."

Harleen says, "We gotta hang out more if you're worried about being discreet. Ooh, you should start joining us for Taco Tuesday!"

"I have a feeling he already does. In spirit," I say.

Jonathan shoots me a look. But just because his ever-constant presence hasn't affected my feelings for him, doesn't mean I'm not going to enjoy watching him squirm if I bring it up.

He opens the passenger door for me, and I hover hesitantly.

"I'm soaking wet," I point out.

He murmurs, "I should hope so."

"Ha!" Harleen calls out. "Nice one, Doctor C."

"I don't want to ruin your car."

Jonathan rolls his eyes. "Sienna, get in before I make you."

My eyes twitch to his blazer pocket, where I know the Scarecrow's mask is. I gulp nervously. "Okay."

Even soaking wet and dripping water, the car's practically made for sliding into gracefully. The interior's spotless, the scent fresh like new cars, but also like him. It's so dark, for a moment I can't see anything — can only feel Jonathan's body heat, even through his equally drenched clothes, as he starts the engine. There's a click of a seatbelt from the back seat.

"Buckle up, kids," Harleen reminds us.

The screen and lights all come to life, along with the low purr of the engine. I'm transfixed as Jonathan grips the gear stick, pulls it into drive, turns to check his blind spot.

There's something really attractive about him driving.

"I think you've been a bad influence on Doctor Quinzel," he tells me. "She barely uttered a word in my presence before you became acquainted."

"It humanised you real fast once Sienna told me you're making creepy fear babies," Harleen says.

My cheeks burn. "I didn't say it like that," I try to protest.

Jonathan raises an eyebrow as we glide onto the main road. "Creepy fear babies?"

"You know," Harleen explains. "Your research. The whole making superhuman babies stuff. Creepy."

I see the tightness at Jonathan's jaw, a tell-tale sign he's fighting a smile. "I see." He pulls into a parking lot for a mall complex. "Wait here. I'll only be a moment. Is there anything you'd like?"

"Ooh, what were those fancy crackers called?" Harleen asks me. "The ones from the spirits hamper?"

"Don't worry," I say, smiling sweetly. "Doctor Crane will already know which ones."

He glares at me darkly. For a moment, I wonder if the Scarecrow will punish me for all my taunts later.

For a moment, I sincerely hope so.

Harleen leans forward the moment the car door shuts behind him. "I bet he's getting sex stuff."

"I highly doubt it."

"You think tonight's the night?"

I fight a flush that burns in my cheeks.

"You already did it!" She exclaims.

"Hardly," I protest. "I mean we did stuff but... I'm not sure if it counts."

She looks at me like I'm crazy. "How can you not know if it counts?"

"It's complicated," I mutter.

"You got his number? I'm gonna text and ask for earplugs."

"I'm sure there's no need," I say, my cheeks hot as I recall all the ways he kept my quiet last time. "And I don't have my phone, remember?"

"Yeah, what happened to that?"

I swallow. "You're not going to believe me."

"Try me."

I sigh softly. "The Batman."

Harleen's eyes widen to saucers. "He came into the lounge?"

"No. He accosted me walking home."

"What did he want?"

In this moment I am so, so grateful for Harleen. She believes me utterly and unconditionally. There's no judgement, no snarkiness. I think for a moment, that she is too pure for this world.

And so the least I can do is be honest.

"He seems to think I'm working with the villains of Gotham."

She nods slowly. "Understandable."


"What? Everyone who messes with you gets eliminated. That's supervillain shit, right there."

"Thanks for the vote of confidence."

"How did you fight him off?"

I swallow. "Actually, that's when Doctor Crane showed up."

Her jaw drops. "No way. He fought off the Batman?"

"I know."

Harleen whistles. "Daddy Crane. Who knew?"

"Okay now be quiet, he's coming back."

We both try very hard to act casual in the silence. The boot of the sedan opens.

"Sienna?" She whispers.


A pause. "Are you happy?"

"I don't know yet," I say softly. "But I think I could be."

The Fear Dissertation // A Jonathan Crane Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now