Chapter Three

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"That's really not necessary." I started, but The Lord ignored me and nodded to Leo, who blinked, shock overtaking his features.

"My Lord–"

"-Start on ahead, won't you?" The Lord continued, "I'll meet you later, Leo."

Leo nodded at the Lord, glancing between us curiously before walking ahead into the alley, his strides long and quick.

"Thank you," I offered a small smile, unsure what else to say. "My Lord–

"--Nathaniel." He cut me off, "You must call me Nathaniel."

"I cannot," I said, glancing down at the ground, "My Lord."

The Lord–Nathaniel–looked like he wanted to press the issue further, but he didn't, his jaw cocked as his gaze swept across the alley for danger. I didn't really see the point. The only danger here was him. Him and Leo, who was waiting at the very end of the alley.

My home was located near the middle of that same alley, down a few steps and through a small side door in The Lucky Fox Pub, where my single room apartment had been located in the basement since I was only a girl.

"Here," I said, stopping in front of the worn steps, "This is where I live."

"Here?" Nathaniel glanced around the corner, where the midday drunkards were already well on their way to unconsciousness.

"The noise isn't too loud, not when you're used to it," I dared to tease, shrugging my shoulders and making my way down the steps, "It can be comforting even, like a rainstorm of boots."

"It would drive me mad." Nathaniel mumbled, following me down.

"Well, thank you very much, I appreciate your concern for my safety." I gave an awkward laugh, unsure of what else to say and eager to put some distance between myself and Nathaniel's far too enticing presence. Pulling open the door, I waved a hand at Nathaniel before ducking inside, "Have a pleasant day."

His hand caught the door before it could swing shut, pushing it open further with the pads of his fingers, his gaze caught on the bundles of fabric on the workbench in the far corner.

"You're a craftswoman?" Nathaniel's lips quirked down into a frown as he took in my apartment. It was only a single room, my small bed tucked in the corner to free up enough space for my workbench, which was piled with all manner of fabrics, threads, and my weavers loom.

"I'm a seamstress," I shifted aside as Nathaniel pushed into the room, having to crouch down to make it through the low doorway.

Somehow the space felt even smaller with him inside of it, and the proximity of his body to mine was doing nothing to quell the heat that had overtaken my body. Now there was no escape, no open air or sky, only that tiny room with him standing close enough to touch. It was even more difficult with my bed right there, and I couldn't help the images flashing through my mind of him picking me up with those strong arms, throwing me onto the bed, putting his head between my–

Nathaniel's nostrils flared, and he turned away from me, gripping the fabric so tightly his knuckles turned white. Had I done something to offend him? I panicked, glancing around the room before stepping closer.

"My Lord?"

"You're quite talented," Nathaniel dropped the fabric, turning to me with that same calm smile, as if nothing had happened, "Did you teach yourself?"

"My mother taught me," I said, "She passed away last summer."

"I am so sorry to hear that." Nathaniel's voice was tender, as if he really meant it. But of course he didn't, I had to remind myself, why would he? When Mother became sick, we hadn't had the money to pay for medicine or a healer, and no one had been able to help us or her. Nobody had cared then, so why would anyone care now? Especially someone as important as him?

"Do you work for a shop in town?" Nathaniel asked.

"No, I'm afraid not."

"You are self-employed, then?"

"That's a generous way of putting it."

"Do you have experience in men's clothing?" Nathaniel rubbed at his jaw, studying the pile of fabric.

I nodded, straightening my back a little. I might not have had much, but I certainly had confidence in my abilities. "Of course. I pride myself on being able to work with any type of body."

"Fantastic," A smile crept across Nathaniel's lips, "Then come work for me."

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