Fifteen: All Of It

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Corvina Maxwell

He stood there for god knows how long, petting my hair.

"You're good at being physically intimate. Are you sure you don't like it with people?"

I heard a small, huff from him.

He never laughed. He always would give a huff.

One. Or chuckle but that was rare.

I wondered if he thought it to be a laugh.

"There's people, and there's you. It's different."

I was heated from the kiss still.

He was really good. For never having done it, he made it seem like he had a thousand times.

He was soft, gentle.

I sat up, looking at him.

His tongue moved over his piercing and I thought about earlier.

Never had I orgasmed so intensely in general.

But it was done without being done.

It made me wonder what kinds of pleasure this man could make me feel.

"What?" He asked, grabbing my face, looking down at me, his eyes blue but dilated with sin.

"I feel like you have some crazy shit planned for me in general." I said and he smirked.

"Does that scare you, my darling?"

I clutched onto his hoodie, falling victim to his dominance as he kissed me again.

I let him control it this time, his movements calculated and cautious as he pulled my ponytail, my head falling straight back, his tongue consuming me but not in a bad way, in a way women would adore and faint over.

He stopped, kissing my jaw, bending to kiss my throat.

"You scare me." I whispered, my stomach pitted with that feeling.

He licking over my jaw, biting my ear lobe.

"Explain it to me." He moved down to my throat again, kissing, licking, biting.

I moaned, shutting my eyes.

"I have no gage of you. Your intentions. I can't read you. You're straight from a book. From a movie." I gasped when his hand began sliding under my hoodie.

"I'm scared of you in the best way. Bottom of my stomach, anxiety, adrenaline." His hands were rough and calloused moving over my ribs.

His tongue flattened on my jugular and I loved the feeling of him on me. It was addicting. Unreal.

"I feel like it's a dream. To have someone only want me. It feels fake. Like I should wake up at the best part." I whispered and he bit my throat.

"What's the best part?"

"I have no idea. I really don't." I whimpered when the hand in my hair went to my throat.

He stood over me.

"You're mine."

"O-okay." I whispered.

"I want to know everyone in your life and don't sit on Cadens lap again. Gay or not. I don't give a fuck if they're a friend. My hands are the only ones allowed on you." He was dead serious.

"Okay. Even Jessie?"

"I don't give a fuck who they are, Vina. Unless I'm present for dancing at a club, that's the only exception. Or ask. But I want you to have a boundary bubble. If you feel guilt for someone being in your space because you're thinking of me, then it shouldn't be happening." He said.


"Give me a summary." He studied me.

"People need to not cross my bubble and I can only dance with friends if your there and I need to ask otherwise."


"Because only your hands can be on me."

"Can we agree on that?"


He hummed, it came from deep in his chest, a threatening sound of satisfaction and it scared me it was so deep.

"Do you have any problems with the rules?"


"For location, I don't have to have it but I'd like to you tell me when you go somewhere, who it's with, and when you get there so I know your safe."


"Any issues or questions?"

"If I did let you have my location would that change anything?"

"I still want to know where, who, and when."


"Is that fine?"

"Can I ask the same of you?" I asked.

"Of course."

"Same with the physical contact with other people. I know it's not likely but it's nice to ask." I said and he nodded.

"No one is on me except you." He nodded.

That sounded... good.

He kissed my forehead, my lips.

I was addicted to how he felt. How he spoke.


I might've been clouded with todays activities but he sounded so good. Like a favorite meal. I could have him all the time. Just around me.

I was beginning to grasp how he felt about me and I think that helped dilute my fear.

"Let me take you home. It's late and you need sleep."

"Only if you tuck me in." I smiled.

He frowned.

"Tuck you in?"

"Yup. I get in my pajamas and you sing me goodnight."

"Sing you? Can't I just hold you? Or kiss you?"

"All of it." I said.

He sighed.


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