Chapter Five: Fall

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You found yourself musing aloud, "Why do I suddenly yearn for a humble cottage, and why does something always feel amiss? Months ago, right before I blacked out, I remember something resting in the palm of my hand, brimming with knowledge. And how in the world did I end up here?"

You attempted to sit up, but to your surprise, Hermes playfully pushed you back onto his lap.

Hermes chimed in, "You fell."

Perplexed, you replied, "I fell?"

Hermes grinned, "Head over heels, for me."

Your brow furrowed, "Hermes, what in Hades' name are you on about?"

He winked mischievously, "Whoa, I thought you were all about the proper servant act?"

Caught off guard, you stuttered, "I—"

Cutting you off, Hermes teased, "Just kidding. I prefer the real you, not the overly polite version."

Curious, you asked, "So, why am I in your room?"

Hermes leaned in, "Well, you see, a certain love-struck deity decided to shoot an arrow aimed at you. Seems they're trying to get you to fall for someone and leave this place. So I decided to rescue you I guess you couldn't take the speed."

Puzzled, you inquired, "Why would he do that?"

Hermes shrugged, "Rumor has it that Aphrodite is quite fed up with your presence. Can't really blame her, you're more beautiful than she is."

Just then, a knock on the door preceded it being kicked open.

A cheery Aphrodite entered, declaring, "There you are! I've been searching everywhere for you!"

Hermes retorted, "What's your business?"

Ignoring him, Aphrodite grabbed Hermes by the face and moved him aside effortlessly, then turned her attention to you, taking your hand.

With a touch of annoyance, Hermes protested, "She's not feeling well."

Unfazed, Aphrodite countered, "And you're a healer?"

Hermes smirked, "In certain versions, yes."

Aphrodite threw an apple his way, more a playful gesture than a symbol of marriage, as she quipped, "An apple a day keeps the doctor at bay," before pulling you away with her.

Hermes hisses and throws it away, he's more repulsed of being her boy toy again than the actual apple.

As Aphrodite enthusiastically pulled you along, you couldn't help but interject, "Um, Lady Aphrodite, I think you're supposed to give the apple to the patient, not the healer."

Entering her room, Aphrodite's enthusiasm seemed to be in full swing as she suddenly kabedonned you against the wall, which unfortunately led to an unintended consequence – the wall cracking under the pressure.

Apologetically, she chuckled, "Apologies, I sometimes forget how strong I can be even in my human form." There was a hint of self-satisfaction in her tone, as if she relished showcasing her power.

With an air of nervousness, you stammered, "It's alright, my lady. Accidents happen."

Seemingly eager for validation, Aphrodite posed a rather direct question, "Tell me honestly, human, do you find me attractive?"

Your response came out almost reflexively, "Undeniably so, my lady."

Her confidence only seemed to grow as she inquired further, "And do you desire me?"

You stumbled over your words, searching for an escape route, "Well, you see, my lady, I suddenly remember that I have some urgent matters to attend to—"

Aphrodite dismissed your excuses with a wave of her hand, declaring, "Nonsense! I hereby relieve you of your duties."

Just as the situation was taking an alarming turn, Hermes dramatically kicked open the door, asserting, "You will not lay a hand on her."

In the midst of this turmoil, Hebe, who was looking for you the whole time, entered the scene, asking, "What's happening here?"

Hermaphrodite follows, seemingly amused by the unfolding drama, mused, "Ah, yes, drama."

Even Hedylogos, chimed in with a sigh, "Mother, really?"

As the commotion continued, more divine figures made their entrance. Zeus, the king of the gods, stepped forward, his commanding presence casting a temporary hush over the room.

"Aphrodite, have some self-control," Zeus reprimanded, causing a few eye rolls from those present, particularly Hera, whose irritation was palpable.

In an unexpected shift of tone, Zeus continued, addressing the group, "Our servants have their own hopes and dreams, their own hearts and minds. We mustn't treat them as mere playthings—"

In a peculiar twist of fate, Zeus took your hand away from Aphrodite, only to find himself momentarily captivated by your beauty.

With a sudden charm in his voice, Zeus inquired, "Well hello there. I don't recall seeing you around here before. Are you new?"

"Zeus," Jealousy radiated from Hera as she observed this interaction.

In a swift and protective move, Hebe stepped forward, grasping your hand firmly and interjecting, "Father, I will ensure that she's well taken care of."

Zeus's authoritative tone resonated through the room as he declared, "Ah yes, do that. Everyone, there's nothing to see here. Your king decrees that this matter is settled."

Hebe, always eager to help, stepped in, suggesting, "Let's find a place for you to relax."

You reassured, "I'm fine, Hebe. How about we get back to work?"

Hebe's caring nature persisted as she responded, "Oh, there's no need for that right now. Why don't we pay a visit to Lady Hestia?"

You agreed, "That sounds like a good idea."

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