(Ulfheoinn) Chapter 56 Tears Rain

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No one's POV

Finn: It's raining...

Finn murmured as he glanced out the window of his office in Twilight Manor

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Finn murmured as he glanced out the window of his office in Twilight Manor. The storm had come on fast, and rain was now bombarding the surface of the glass while thick, heavy clouds turned the city sky an ashy gray.

Finn:...What's this feeling? It's as though something dreadful is about to happen.

Standing at the window and watching the rain patter the streets, he felt the most peculiar sense of foreboding wrap itself around his heart. With a start, the thumb of his right hand began to throb. Then...

Raul: Captain!

Raul burst into the room. Drenched from head to toe and breathing heavily, he looked as though he'd just seen a ghost.

Finn: What happened?

Raul: I-it's terrible...

Raul started, lips trembling.

Raul: Down in the city, it's...!


Citizens: G​Y​Y​A​A​A​A​A​A​A​A​A​A​A​A​A​A​A​A​A​A​A​A​A​A​A​A​A​A​A​A​A​A​A​A​H​!​!

The party that formed outside in the streets appeared as though summoned by the rain itself.

Citizens 1: Wh-what is it?!

Citizen 2: Dead! They're d-dead!!

Citizen 3: Someone was killed?!

Almost instantaneously, the previously empty side street was overtaken by screams and chaos. The blood painting the stone cobbles swirled together with the rainwater, forming red rivers that flowed down through the cracks.

Asuna: Move, please! Let us through!

Asuna pushed her way through the crowd, having heard the shouts while out and about with Sora. When their eyes landed on the carnage, they could hardly find the words to respond.

Sora: I-it can't be...!


Riveria encountered similar pandemonium upon arriving at Dian Cecht Familia's hospital.

Adventure 1: Miss Amid! Over here, quickly! I need your help!

Adventure 2: W-we can't stop the bleeding!

The panicked cries of the healers seemed to harmonize with the thundering echo of the rain. Blood coated their clothes, hands, and skin as they rushed to carry in the wounded one after another. Hearing the screams of her own familia members, Riveria bolted to Amid's side, the healer herself stunned by the developments.

Riveria: A wound that can't be healed...Don't tell me!

Riveria took one look before nearly flying back out of the hospital, long silver staff in hand.

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