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Running my fingers over the gorgeous bracelet Elias just gave me over dinner, I am lost in thought as his words play over and over again in my mind

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Running my fingers over the gorgeous bracelet Elias just gave me over dinner, I am lost in thought as his words play over and over again in my mind.

I think luck might have brought me love.

Elias loves me. I am still in mild shock from the bomb he dropped on me under the gazebo. When he suggested we fake date, I truly thought he'd lose interest in me within a few days when he wanted to hook up with a being on this island who could handle him. Because I thought then that I definitely could not.

It turns out he is the only being I ever want to handle again for the rest of my life, and while I'm not sure how I feel about how fast I've fallen for him, I'm absolutely sure of the way I feel. I'll never again doubt those books I read where the main characters fall in what we like to call "insta-love" as some sort of insult. But I know now that it is possible. When you find the right person.

It's only Elias's fingers ghosting over mine that brings me from my daydreams. "You all right, belle rêveur? You disappeared on me there for a second."

"Oh, I'm more than okay," I say, smiling up at him. "Just thinking about how lucky I feel to be here with you."

He shakes his head and presses a kiss to my temple. "I'm the lucky one, Cordelia. Trust me." He gestures to a door at the side of the manor I've never noticed before. "We're here."

I swallow and take a deep breath. "This is it? The playrooms?"

"Yes. Are you ready?"

"I am. Let's go."

"Hang on," he says, turning me to face him. "Remember, all you have to do is say 'stop' and we're done. Got it? And I won't be upset at all. You know that, right?"

"Of course, Elias. And if I see something I want to try, I tell you."


"I've got it. Let's go," I say again, tugging him toward the door.

He laughs and turns the knob, placing his hand on the small of my back as he leads me in. "So eager."

I flush as we step into the hallway, dark except for candles in glass fixtures attached to the walls every few feet. It reminds me of the part of the castle Belle was in when the Beast held her captive in Beauty and the Beast, except there are no bars here. Most of the playrooms have glass windows, and you can see everything going on behind them.

And I do mean everything.

"Dear Hades," I mutter, my heartbeat speeding up. "This"

Elias follows my line of sight. The room across the hall looks like a throne room. A demoness with inky skin and an arrow tipped tail sits on the golden monstrosity perched upon a dais. Kneeling at her feet is an angel, naked and with their white feathered wings draping down their back. The demoness wears skimpy black lingerie and red patent leather boots that reach her thighs. The angel pushes their golden curls away from their face and brings the pointed end of the boot to their mouth. I turn before they start licking it.

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