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We walked.

It wasn't a difficult journey. The grass rolled from one knoll to another. Ahead I saw a hill, with what looked like buildings on and around it.

"What's the city's name?" I asked.

"Woodstone," he said, his eyes on the ground, his shoulders slumped slightly.

"You're upset," I ventured.

"I'm upset," he agreed.

"Do you know what we can expect when we get there?"

He looked up at the city, and then to the sky, exhaling, "I'll have to talk to the Regent, who will ask me to accept my throne. He'll have you taken to a place where you can relax, and refresh yourself. I'll endure a lecture about my position and responsibilities. Someone or several someones will see to any of your needs. Things like that. I'll endure. You'll be in a gilded cage, basically."

Well, I did ask.

"You don't have to sugar coat it, Victor. I'm a big girl, I can take it. Give it to me straight next time," I told him.

He looked down at me confused, and then he grinned. "I'm grateful you still have your humor. I'll get us out of here. I promise. It's going to be a while."

"How long before this, change begins to happen?"

"Not long," he said, his voice serious again. He brooded for a while, and then said, "I've heard them scream. I don't know what happens during the change, and maybe I shouldn't say anything. But, I have heard them scream."

"I can see why the girls fall at your feet. It's this beautiful way you have of speaking that just sets my heart to fluttering," I said in my best southern accent.

He glanced over to me, and flashed a grin, but it vanished quickly.

"What? Don't like the southern bells?" I asked in the same voice.

"I don't think I know about them. The change in your speak is interesting," he said.

"The change in my speak?"

"In your voice," he corrected.

"Better," I agreed. "You're not going to accept your throne, are you," I said, dropping the accent.

"No," he said. He didn't say it harshly. It was just a point of fact.

"May I ask, why not? I mean, if you were king, then the Regent wouldn't have any say over you, or me or us."

He nodded, "Yes, true enough. But that won't stop me from getting you home. Have no fear of that. As soon as the change comes, we'll be leaving."

I've heard them scream.

I shook my head. But my fists clenched. I was not in control of any aspect of my life, right now. I had no say, no power. Frustration boiled in my veins.

Straighten up and pay attention, I told myself. You're not being abused, or raped or murdered. At least not yet. Clear your mind and observe. Remember your training.

Resolved I walked beside my Bond-mate, and tried to feel confident.

"So, you really have wings?"

He barked a laugh.

"What?" I asked, feeling a blush touch my cheeks. "Why is that funny?"

He shook his head, "I don't know. It just struck right, I guess. Yes, I really have wings."

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