52 | are you seducing me?

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Sirens blared as ambulances piled near the site of incident. The parameter was taped with yellow bolded caution signs. Police swarmed the area. Late midnight, yet there was never a more lively commotion at this hour.

She pushed through to see what had happened. The students crowding around were oddly silent. Very silent.

As they made way for her, she caught site of what they witnessed. A gasp left her mouth, lost in the strong winds of the night.

A girl splayed on the pavement. Her body parts angled unnaturally. Most horrifyingly, her head split open with blood pooling out to paint the cement under her.

Grace Dragomir was pronounced dead from suicide. Apparently, she jumped off the roof of the facility's building because of her anxiety and depression.

Gabriella Jontas watched the scene unravel.

She knew better.


I knew it was him before I even looked to the doorway.

Even though the long hours of being locked into this dark room had dulled my senses, no amount of betrayal could erase the familiarity my body had with his presence. I knew who it was, without a doubt.

One of the most attractive things about Avery Dragomir was how attuned he was to me.

Now, I wished I never let him into my life, my body, and my heart.

"Vesper," he murmured in a way that threatened to break my resolve. "Vesper."

I didn't move a muscle. Instead, I focused on the crackling fireplace, the well placed bricks, the bookshelf lingering on the other side of the room... the bookshelf...

An idea flickered into my mind. My gaze slowly landed on Avery, calculating.

I could escape if I planned it right.

Avery, oblivious to the workings of my mind, spoke softly, the way he always did with me. "Let me explain."

I stared straight ahead, struggling to stay silent, to not acknowledge him. But I failed. No mental strength could have prepared myself for this. I couldn't hold myself to my silence.

"What is there to explain?"

He reached for my hand but I flinched away. A shameful pause, one that hasn't occurred between us for weeks, settled between us. Avery worked his jaw, "Don't act like that-"

"You've lost every right in telling me how I should act and every right to touch me again," I snapped, finally whirling my furious gaze on him.

Shadows angled his face—the same face known to leave behind broken hearts. Mine included.

An urge to laugh overcame me. He still has a hold over you, I thought bitterly, even after everything.

"I had to," he let out a heavy breath. "You don't understand."

"You're right," I agreed, swallowing with my dry throat. "I don't understand."

He betrayed you, he betrayed you, he betrayed you.

He was the reason why I was tied up. He told them about Ella's journal. He has more secrets that I will never uncover. He slept with you and let Helen drug you the next day.

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