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"We was all finna go to Honcho house but we'll stay if it make you feel uncomfortable

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"We was all finna go to Honcho house but we'll stay if it make you feel uncomfortable." Nari said

"I'm comfortable, I don't mind." I shrugged

"You sure?" She raised her eyebrows

"Yessss." I dragged rolling my eyes

"Okay, bet. Come on." She got up grabbing her keys and Riah got up too so did I

We left in Nari car and we went to the gas station first

We got snacks and water then we went to Honcho house, we got out and went in since the door was unlocked

He was sitting there with Mar, Jae, and Wick so I just sat anywhere that wasn't by him and got on my phone

They sat down by me and got into conversation but I was just there to be there

I looked up seeing a girl walk past, she went into the kitchen then sat on Honcho lap

I shook my head and Riah and Nari looked at me but I shrugged and looked back at my phone

I busted open my bag of vinegar chips and Mar begging ass gon snatch my chips

He poured some in hands and threw em back at me

"Yo ass know how to annoy me." I bucked at him

"That or you know how to get annoyed." He said and I looked confused

"Okay." I kept it simple

"What's y'all names?" The girl on Honcho lap asked




"Oh okay, y'all pretty." She said and I nodded while Riah said thank you

She actually seemed cool but because of circumstances I was cool on that

You fucking with the nigga that I want? Dead flies.

I rested my head on my palm and closed my eyes going to sleep

"Valli, wake up." Nari said in my ear making my eyes open

I was still at Honcho house and everybody was still there

I got up and walked out the house because I assumed that's what we was doing

"Why you walk out? You ready to go?" She asked

"Of course, I'm tired and I wanna sleep in a bed." I yawned stretching

"We gon take you home and come back or you want us to stay with you." She said

"Ian gon stop the motion, y'all can just take me home." I said

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