Blake's Dad

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Mum has assigned me to make pão de queijo today so I basically spent the whole afternoon in the kitchen rolling cheese bread, then Blake's music interrupts me, I let down the ball I'm rolling and make my way to my door. 

Then the music stops, and I stop myself from turning my door knob when I hear Blake's dad voice, then I hear a loud bang and my spine tingles. 

There's a long moment that even frozen behind my door I can't hear a thing, then I hear murmur, then I hear silence. 

I hear their door open then shut, and I recognise Blake's footsteps to know that she is storming off down the corridor, I open my door and watch as she presses the elevator button, I look back at her door, it's still shut.

"Blake," I say

Her expression changes from angry and heavy to soft and vulnerable. 

"What now," she rolls her eyes 

"Do you want to spend the night here?" I ask her

We're in my bedroom as I close my door,  she sits on the bed I made her with blankets and pillows

"Thanks," she says

I stay quiet and shake my head still trying to get a hold of myself

"I can't believe you still fit in that hoodie," she says from the floor "They spelt my name wrong you know," she says as if nothing had happened 

"I know, I remember," I say, turning off my lamp light and laying into my bed

I stare up at my celling as the light coming from my window makes it blue 

"Blake," I say "What happened?"

"Same old," She says 

"What are you going to do now?"

She doesn't answer for a moment and I wonder if she will

"I want to leave here, I need to get out of this place," She says, and that fills me with pain and frustration.

I let my arm hand from my bed and she knows to reach for it and hold my hand. 

"You know you can sleep in my bed if you want to," I say 

"What are we, 5?" She chuckles

Then eventually makes her way to my twin bed, it's small but we fit well enough, we keep our hands held tight. 

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