the heart thief - |33|

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On Wednesday, I left for London and arrived home before dinner. My mum and sister were in Italy, so it sucked that I missed them, but it occurred to me, as I stepped into my father's study for the first time in a year since I moved, that I wasn't dreading disappointing him. Usually, I felt like as his son, that I had to follow what he wanted and made sure I kept myself in line. The fear of disappointing him and being like my brother had done more harm to me than intended. It was a silent struggle that even I didn't realize until I took control of my life and my choices.

I realised I wasn't happy, that I always adjusted my feelings to the people around me that I couldn't deduce what it meant to really be happy until I learned to let go.

As I entered the study, my father looked up from his desk, clearly surprised. It had slipped my mind to inform him of my return this week.

"You're back," he remarked.

I nodded, taking a seat in front of him. "Yes, early flight," I replied, my fingers fiddling with the edge of a file on his desk. "What's up, dad?"

He sighed, setting aside his iPad. "You should have given me a heads-up. I would've arranged for someone to pick you up from the airport."

"I wanted to surprise you."

He raised an eyebrow, a faint smile playing at his lips. "How many more surprises do you plan on springing on your old man?"

My laughter filled the room. "No more, I promise," I assured him. "Are you busy? Did I interrupt something important?"

"Well, there must be a good reason for your unexpected return," he mused, his tone curious yet welcoming. "It's a shame your mother isn't here, but I hope you'll be staying longer."

"Two days at most," I replied, my thoughts already focused on the limited time I had for this visit. Any more day away from Millie was a great deal of struggle.

"And what do you have going on that you can't stay for more than a week?"

"A girlfriend."

"The same one?" he inquired, his curiosity piqued.

I grinned. "Same one."

He leaned back in his chair, his expression thoughtful. "Well, that's better than flings. Now you can focus on settling down and perhaps giving me some grandchildren."

I snorted. "Are you just looking for more heirs?"

Dad leaned forward, his fingers steepled as he contemplated his response. "If my son isn't planning on reinstating himself, I might as well look for his replacement somewhere else."

"How long are you going to hold that against me? You know why I left."

"Yes, I do, son."

My fingers tapped nervously on the armrest of my chair as I pressed further, emotions running high. "When are you going to rehire her?"

His sigh held a sense of finality, and he leaned back again, his hands falling to his sides. "That'd defeat the whole purpose of firing her for her sake."

My heart sank, and I glanced away for a moment, struggling to find the right words. I had come in here thinking I could convince him to rehire her, but I didn't expect him to still hold a strong opinion about her. "So you don't intend on taking her back?"

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