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SILENCE!🤫 shhhh......let your smile fade into the deafening silence.
Trapped in the jaws of boredom and bruised by the fangs of low expectations.
Living in circles and surviving by thoughts of possibilities and inevitabilities.
Flashes of the past coming back to you uninvited, over and over again.
Bringing back what was forgotten; the feelings long buried.

I am the true definition of emptiness but you can refer to me as Loneliness.
I see you through the blinding screens of your phones and bright laptops.
Immersed in the amusement of the puppy videos and funny comments.
Lost in a world you created on your own, a world out of reach.
You try to mask and ignore my presence by chuckling at fantasies created in your head.
You lack someone to make memories with, that's why you try to build an unreal amusement park.
But alas; knock knock! I'm knocking at your door;
Don't resist, open the door and let me in.
I promise, you are not my first, I will try my best;
To be your greatest companion, a shoulder to lean on.

You lack a hand to give a high five, a friend to let you stop by.
That's why I come crawling before my partner Depression kicks in.
What I like most about humankind, you have the gift of one another.
But when you refuse this oh so precious gift, your isolation calls out my name for solace.
You need the company, don't deny it, quit postponing;
Find yourself someone who's worth it, someone to selfishly hold on to.
And just like that, poof! I guarantee I'll be gone;
Problem solved, psychological peace restored.

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