Chapter 1

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also, im not sure when the whole apocalypse thing started so i'll put it randomly

"Why the fuck is a kitchen called a cookery lab again..." 

*le gasp* "Dont insult it Hae-Ran"

I rolled my eyes at Hyun-Jae as i untied the apron around my waist.

Right. I guess I should do a short self-introduction.


Hello there. I am Kim Hae-Ran, student of Taepung Girls' High. Right now, on the 22nd of June, 6:50p.m. , I was in the cookery lab of my school, cleaning up return home. Why was the kitchen called the cookery lab? No idea. Why had I joined the Cookery and Arts programme? No idea either. I can't even cook.

To say that my cooking skills were lacking would be an understatement. I am absolute shit when it comes to cooking, and I can barely make a pot of soup before the counter top turns into a graveyard of vegetables and whatnot. I would love to say that back at home, my elder brother is the one responsible for conjuring up dishes for breakfast, lunch and dinner (not that there is any other choice for us), but what can I say...It runs in the genes.

I glanced up from the table I was currently cleaning to look at my cooking partner, Hyun-Jae as she cleaned off the utensils that we had used. I found myself staring as a bead of sweat rolled down the side of her cheek. The glow of the setting sun highlighted her cheekbones perfectly, long eyelashes adorning her caramel brown eyes. My gaze lingered at her plush lips, wondering, was she always this gorgeous?

Stop it, you're not gay, you don't like her, I told myself and shook my head to rid the thoughts.

I sighed again, turning away. Hyun-Jae looked up at me in amusement and chuckled, "That's the fifth time in three minutes."

I glared at her, "Oh shut up."

I rested my elbows on the tabletop and laid my head in my palms, and looked out the window while admiring the scenery outside.


I picked my phone up, surprised to see a message awaiting me from my brother.

the 'only child'


the 'only child'

yes my liege what do i owe you this lovely pleasure

the 'only child'
where are you


the 'only child'
....i thought you were at home...i was going to ask whats for dinner

my phone slipped from my grasp and i only caught it by an inch.

bitch what💀 I CANT COOK FYM "i WaS goIng To AsK wHaTs FoR dinNER"



the 'only child'
okok sorry sorry

what do you want for dinner?

i can stop by 7-11

cup noodles is fine ig thx 😫

oops sorry wrong emoji


the 'only child'
i see

"Ugh..." I placed my arms on the table and leaned into them, sighing into the uncomfortable warmth as I closed my eyes. How I wished there was air conditioning here. Seriously, whose idea was it to put a group of around 30 students in a boiling hot room for 2 hours?

"Hae-Ran, as tired as you are, you can't fall asleep here, school's almost over," Hyun-Jae snickered as she poked my arm and shook me lightly.

"Just five more minutes..." I mumbled and shifted in my chair. As warm as it was, I was too tired to care and just needed some rest after a chaotic episode of cooking.

"Fine, Fine. I'll go use the toilet real quick, be right back," I could literally hear her rolling her eyes in her voice as she skipped off towards the restroom.


Just as I was about to drift off into deep and peaceful slumber, I heard a childish voice announce something around me:

[The free service of planetary system 8612 has been terminated.]

[Channel #BAY-23515 has started broadcasting]

[The main scenario has started.]

Bloodcurdling screams and wails erupted all around me.

Huh, seems like this would be an interesting dream.

A/N: AND THERES THE FIRST CHAPTER! sorry if its a bit short, this was kinda rushed so...I forgot the first few scenarios and im not yet done with orv so some details may be wrong, because my memory is bad and uhm...orv fandom is....well yeah! hope you enjoyed it!

edit (24/3/24): minor grammar changes etc

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