Chapter 2

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   "Looks like you want to say something beautiful?" He stated as he noticed my gaze hadn't broken from his beautiful brown eyes. "No! I already said what I needed to which was thank you." I hastily responded. "Are you going to tell me your name love?" he asked with a slight reassuring smile. I tried to fight the urge to smile as my lips quivered and I rolled down my window for a proper greeting this go around. I mean this was my chance to introduce myself right? "My name is Sheba" I stated. He put his hand in my window and reached down to my left hand resting on the inside of my driver door and gently grabbed it to bring it to his lips to kiss. "Sheebaaa...I like that. Hopefully I'll see you around Queen Sheba" as he walked away. I rolled my window back up and my music was set. He waited for me to pull off first and as we exited the parking lot I turned left while he turned right. You thought he'd follow me home right? Me too.
   On my way home our encounter in the bar played in my mind and I realized it could've went better. The parking lot chat could've easily happened inside and with the same response "I'm not looking for anything and don't want anything from anyone." My mind wondered if we'd ever bump into each other again...after all I do work all the time and go home. Neeka and I only meet twice a month and that was it in terms of social settings. When I got home I took my shoes off at the door and headed towards the bathroom as I heard my phone ringing from inside my was Neeka. "Hello..." I answered. "Girl did you get home safe or not? I thought someone ran off with you!" She replied with concern. "Well you left me out there and didn't wait, why so concerned" I asked. "What?" she asked and paused. I calmed her as we went on to discuss Marquee and I meeting up in the parking lot after leaving out the bar. Of course I could feel her rolling her eyes on the other side of the phone as she expressed her her level of aggravation with men and them walking up on women at night. I reassured her he had no evil intentions and simply wanted to help. "Well alright get you some rest cause we both have better things to worry work in the morning" she stated. "Goodnight Neeka cause your attitude is starting to stink up my phone!" CLICK!
   I headed towards the shower and turned it on to give it time to heat up as I walked out to my hall closet and grabbed a fresh towel and 2 rags to wash my face and behind. A hour later I'm in bed with my favorite snack, drink and show playing on my 30in tv. Another hour later I was knocked out, that 50mg drink liked to took me out.
   When I awoke my alarm was blaring as I fought my body to sit up straight and wipe the crust out of my eyes and begin my day. I washed up, brushed my teeth and hit the door flying to grab a coffee and bologna biscuit from the closest Breadville on my way to work. As I pulled up to work I parked to the front and tossed my keys to the valet and left a tip in the cup holder with his name. Same valet every time, Mr. Johnny. Mr. Johnny had been around for awhile. Why not tip him?!
   On my way in I stopped to my managers office to say hello and I notice Marquee was sitting in the office chatting about business. Now you know I acted as if I didn't see him. "Good morning Sheba, how are you?" My manger asked with a bright smile on his face. "Mr. Ronald I am great I just wanted to stop by and check in on you?" I asked with a warm smile. "I'm great, look I'd like you to meet our new floor manger. His team will be in the cubicles located next to yours!" He stated with excitement in his voice. "Well hello Mr...." I waited for his response as he starred into my soul and replied "Marquee, Marquee Brown." After the hellos and surprises I scurried on to my desk baffled. Was he looking for me? Is this mess like the show "YOU" I didn't know and didn't want to. I just wanted to get through the day.
   "Greetings everyone, I hope you're ready for some hard work but, a smooth day...amen?" I spoke loudly for everyone to hear. "Yes!" They all responded. I was the manager of a department know as Customer Resolution Specialist and we dealt with current customers who received defective products ordered through us. 7AM the bell went off and it was time to get to work. About 4 hours in to my shift it was time for a lunch break and here comes Marquee walking up. "Lunchtime?" He asked with a smile on his face. I stood there confused and with slight bitterness I asked "Are you following me?" He walked off and showed me his back for the second time. You know I was lowkey upset. Of course I felt disrespected.
   Lunch flew by as well as the last few hours of work passed I walked out the doors to find Mr. Johnny waiting on me in front of the building. "Thank you Mr. Johnny I'll see you tomorrow morning" I responded with love and respect. Mr. Johnny wasn't beneath me because, of his title. In my eyes we were no different. On my way home I stopped for pizza and called Neeka as I was walking into the door to my place. I just had to tell her about my wild day. "Girl do you know he had the nerve to walk up to me and ask was it lunch time? I meant it just threw me the hell off, what was I supposed to say?" I asked her as I waited in embarrassment. "Well he is a new employee there so why didn't you just respond with a yeah?" She asked me while laughing. How could she laugh in the middle of me expressing my confusion for the situation. The man found a job at my job! Did he know I worked there already?! "Honestly at least you know he has a job and not some bum waiting around for a lick to hit or some woman to care for him" Neeka followed with her previous statement. "I guess...well Neeka I'll talk to you later I need to shower" and as I hung up with her I proceeded to take my shower and stretch out to eat my reheated dinner I grabbed on the way home.
   As I sat and watched tv the events of the day played back in my mind over and over. Same questions and no answers. Why was he on me so heavy? Is he stalking me? Why my job? Was this what you called heavy? His energy is not like most. His ability to walk away from me at the slightest detection of me pushing him away, something he'd call "attitude," he'd turn his back and walk away. Was he leaving me with something to think about? Well I've been thinking since the situation went down in the office. The bar as well. Ugh, how did I land myself here in this mess? I should've stayed the hell home. Why didn't he just talk to Neeka instead?
   An hour into the show and I get a text from Shai. Best buddies since junior high and you know how your friends could be, sometimes they don't like each other but, tolerate each other. Shai and Neeka have always had some level of disdain for each other and it wasn't something I could prevent. "Hey hun (waving emoji) just checking in with you. I'm just getting back from Japan and I can't wait to talk to you. Let me know how you're holding up and keep Neeka out of my business, keep it basic!" the message read. "...And on that note I'm headed to bed" I said aloud.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2023 ⏰

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