Chapter 3 - Her ' Supporter

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In Mumbai

Shree reached cafe late it's 9:15a.m. being 15 minute late she directly go to changing area to get her apron for working

she come out from changing area she face her boss he is looking angry for being late for work

She just say sorry to her boss she is thinking about Boss give her punishment for being late

Then her boss say she have to work for not only make their order but take their order and serve them

This going to be very difficult tasks for her because she is very shy to start conversation and introvert person you know for them is very difficult to start conversation but she has to complete the task neither she has to pay the compensation

First 2-3 order is very difficult but slowly slowly she get comfortable but it is very tiring day for her

It's 2:00 p.m. her shift is going to be over she is very tired and bad luck to her best friend Naina is not come for work today

After changing her apron she come out from cafe to go library is just 20 minute walking distance

While walking she dial her best friend Naina number after two three rings she pick up her call

And started her list of question but not getting any response from other side she asked are you there Naina?

( S for Shree and N for Naina)

N : "Shree you speak non stop but let me speak please, my health is not good today morning that why I am not there for work but I have message you this morning is I am not coming for work but you have not seen the message this is not my fault ok."

S : "okay okay , madam ! I am sorry yaar (she forget to check her phone in morning because of her aunty problem) without you my day is worst day."

N : "Why madam ? Boss was angry on you while laughing."

S : "Yes. hey , how do you know?"

N : "I know you better than you know yourself okay so tell me why boss is angry on you."

S : "She tell her whole story being late for work."

N : "So you are done with the story so tell me really reason for being sad and late for work I know you are not a person who just becomes sad because her boss scold you it's because of your aunty again I know you from the school day now tell me."

(Shree become silent )

N : "Shree because of your aunty not spoil your day just a smile and forget her believe in god okay God seeing her she get her punishment you don't worry okay."

(Shree become emotional)

S : "Thank you, Naina because of you I am here. don't know without you what will I do ( smile again) thank you so much being my best friend and supporter."

N :" Oy ! In friendship no sorry and no thank you okay now you go to your library and please let me rest I was talking for long time my energy is down okay bye take care love you."

N : "Byy take proper rest come tomorrow okay and love you too
She is going toward the library."


Instagram account - @loner_246

We all want friend like Naina who is support us in bad time in positive way,mentally support us and cheer up

Hope you have friend like Naina

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