What do you remember?

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•Kie P.O.V•
I woke up before Hailey, and everyone was chilling in the front living room when I walked in. JJ had a beer in his hand listening to Pope ramble on about something, and JB and Sarah were sitting beside JJ on the couch but farther away on the other side of him and had their on little side conversation. I sat down in the middle spot between them. "Hey kieeee, soooo." He laughs a bit before saying, "how was your night." He has a smirk on his face. "What?" Now everyone was looking at me and had a smirk on their stupid faces. "We saw you guys, go into the same room and never came out." Sarah said, "what happened?" JJ questioned. "Guys-" I got up in front of them before saying. "Okay, we just slept together that's all! And when I say slept I mean like actually go to sleep. We didn't do anything, she was drunk!" "Sooo, if she wasn't drunk, your saying something would of, could of happened???" JJ said, "um.. I-I don't know!" "Did you guys like actually sleep? Or did you leave an important detail out?" JB said. "Okay! I stopped before, like.. I went anywhere but we had like, a LITTLE make out.." I whispered but mumble the last part quietly. "Say that one more time??" Sarah says. "We made out!" I say. Then we all turned our head to the door and when it was opening up. I'm getting déjà vu.
"Wha- what's going on?" She says rubbing her head, must have a bad hangover. I walked over to the sink and got a glass out of the cabinet and gave Hailey cold water, then a pill for her to take. She took it and then asked what we all were talking about. "Umm.. we're talking about.. what we're gonna do today!" "Yeah!" JJ said. "Oh okay"
Time skip to when we're at the part when we're at the foot of the angel tree, when Rafe and limberly and the other left. (Ik it's a kind of big jump but... Hailey and kie aren't dating yet but dw we're getting close!)  and it's the part where kie had to get the keys from her dads truck.
"Hey, do you want me to come with you?" Hailey  said to me. "No.. it's fine I'll be back!" I whisper yelled. She opend the gate for me and I went inside. Couple of minutes later we hurry and go to the truck and JJ was in the back. Later JJ was getting something and he didn't come back for a bit so me and hails were chilling outside the truck. "Hey.. do you remember when you were drunk?" "Oh that party we had like a month ago? For Sarah and JB coming back?" "Yea.." "yeah? What about it?" "Um.. what do you remember? Like from later on into the night.." I ask. "Well... I remember.. you taking me to bed..?" "Yeah? Is that all?" "Umm.. I mean I think I asked you to stay with me?" "Oh, yeah" "yeah" "well-.." I got cut of when JJ came back but with his dad?! "What the fuc-" Hailey said and then JJ said, "look, he just needs help okay, he just need to be outta here." Looks like we have no choice but to help his stupid  dirtbag abusive dad, "I'll help.." I sigh. Later on me and Hailey, and JJ got there and turns out we missed so much, literally John B got bit by a freak gator. "What the hell happened!!" I say, then we all started to fight, "everyone shut up! guys! Cut it out for a second!" JJ shouted, we all stayed quiet, he said a very inspiring speech and it was like this fighting is look ass bullshit and even though he mixed up his different language in that part we all cheered and clapped at the end and finally got out of the shit hole. Later we were at the château and having fun. I could find Hailey, I went to look for her inside the house and found her in her room that JB lets her stay in. "Hey.." "hi" "you okay?" I ask. "Yeah. All good." "You sure hails? I'm here for you?" I sat down beside her then you started to giggle, "what?" I asked with a smile on my face. "Hails?" "Oh- well, I-"
"No no, I like it" "oh, okay" i chuckle. "Sooo.." "soooo what?" I ask. "Well... you were asking about the night of that party.. we're I got like.. wasted.." "yeah?" "I lied.." "you did?" "Yeah. I didn't tell you.. everything.. I remember" "what do you remember?" "We.. kissed.. like made out.. but you pulled away because I was drunk.." "yeah.. we did indeed do that.." "well.. I remember what I asked" "yeah? What's that.." I smiled at her and she smiled at me. We leaned in and kissed each other. More and more. She pulled back and said "I like you, like a lot.." "hails, I like you too.." we kissed more and more and only made out, a lot. That night.

A/N- ahhhh crap!! <33

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