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Luca barged into my office like the whole world was about to collapse. His eyes widened from the shock or astonishment of whatever he heard outside. And it also tells me that after mere seconds he'll be blasting my ears with some gossip I have zero interest in listening to. But being his good little friend I kept my mouth shut and waited for him to start talking.

"What is it?" I ask while pushing my coffee mug towards him so that he can take a sip and catch his breath.

He did accordingly but the moment he pour the mug into his mouth his face transferred into sour candy as the raw liquor burned down through his throat, "fucking fu-kk this is straight vodka." After releasing a few more curses he finally settled down in the chair opposite to me before starting, "You cannot believe what just fucking happened."

"What is it," my bored tone made him release a psk sound that made me turn my gaze at him and keep at him.

Satisfied with my reaction, "Okay hear this out—intimate photos of Emma are circulating in all the tabloids and the man in the picture—" he paused to create the feeling of suspense because Luca is a default dreamatic ass. After two seconds he added "Is not Samuel. Can you believe that?" When I didn't look shocked at his words, "Are you even listening? Marilyn?"

How could I look shocked when I was the one who anonymously tipped those pictures to all media offices? I mean—I can act but why would I? 

"How much is the company stock affected by it?" I asked opening my computer screen to look over the articles the media has come up with. Indeed every media platform has its article about it coming with various theories about who could be the man Emma cheated on her husband with. Some were hilarious and some were interesting. Some reporters even claim that this anonymous man could be the President of the United States of America adding a photo of Emma and the president talking from ages ago. 

Every news agency is writing about this incident and Barney's is currently the most searched term on the internet. AKA they are trending.

I took another sip from my mug, letting a smile creep underneath it. I knew today was going to be a good day or I would say magnificent.

"Seriously?" Luca's frown expression bore into me, making me realise he was still here looking at me like I was the weirdest person he had ever come across. I mean he is not wrong. "That's all you care about after I just dropped an atom bomb level of news on you?"
"Or what? Do you want me to release audible gasps, and pluck my eyes out of shock because Emma cheated on Samuel? Is that how you want me to react?" Emma wasn't loyal to her husband and it's not something to be shocked about. There can be an army of men with whom Emma was involved in the past, disappeared into thin air by none other but Samuel. but what is shocking is that it's national news and will possibly be international within a few hours.

But the question arises how did it happen when Samuel almost owns half the media outlets? Simple, the only way you'll agree to burn another's house is if your own house is at risk. Dig some dirt on them and throw it at their face. And within seconds they are your pet willing to even lick your shoes if needed.

Bringing my thoughts back to the man standing in front of me, "Luca, there is something I need to tell you."

"Go ahead," he said, shutting his screen off.

"I want you to go to Venice and oversee that subsidiary personally. Their revenue is not changing if not degrading. Be there for at least six months and if it still doesn't make any changes prepare it to dissolve it." Opening my inner drawer I took out the details of his business trip.

"Six months in Venice?"

"Yes, all your expenses will be covered by the company."

"Damn, it's like a paid vacation. But I really wanted to go there with you and Tabi." His brows draw into a furrow while a sad expression talks over his face. Luca is always the smile and laughing kind of person and to see him be genuinely sad makes my heart ache and all my instincts start screaming to protect him from whatever is hurting him. And that is exactly what I am doing now.

"It's a work trip, Luca, I am not sending you out there away from my side if not for work. You get me?" Pushing the files toward him.

"Territorial are we? But what to do," he said making a fake pout "I prefer dicks over vaginas."

"Shut up and go back to your work. I am not paying you to gossip about your boss's boss." I said, throwing a glare in his direction.

Shrugging he starts, "I have only one boss, ma'am. And it's you. That boss's boss had nothing to do with me." Luca despises Samuel just like me but our reasons are worlds apart. And I hope it remains the same. "Also, did you hear anything from the police about the paintings? Did they catch the culprit?" Luca asked, as his face transferred to genuine worry for our best friend. Best friend I was supposed to trust blindly but after Zara's words doubt started to flicker in my mind with all the worst possibilities.

Shaking my head, "I don't think they will be able to catch them. The camera in the museum and around the place was bugged and no eye witness. It won't be easy."

Nodding to my words he turned to leave my office when I blurted out, "Luca!" I don't even know what I want to say. Do I even have anything to tell him? But the urge to hug him was pushing me hard until I was up from my chair and walked around towards him, closing the distance and wrapping my arms around him while letting my head drop on his chest. Luca immediately turns stiff with my hug. And after a second or two he wraps his arm around me as well.

"Mara," Luca said softly because yes, Marilyn didn't hug people but Mara sure did. "You alright? You got something to tell me?" I shook my head but still didn't let him go. Something in me just wanted to hold him longer and longer. As if— "So Ely was indeed right." My thoughts stop when that familiar deep voice which sounds like anything calm barges into my office.

I pulled away from Luca but his hands were still on my shoulder holding me when I faced the only man I was not expecting to see in my office. Ridge. "Mr.Wright, what are you doing here?" Luca asks as his hold on my shoulder tightens.

"Just to get some shit clear with Miss Marilyn Harrison." Ridge spat out the word while his darkening eyes pinned on me. He was angry no-no he was furious.

"Mind your language, Mr. Ridge. You cannot just barge in—" Luca started but got cut by Ridge who sounds so dangerous. "I can say whatever the fuck I want to and you" Ridge paused before taking a step closer to him and adding "are in no position to stop me." Compared to Luca, ridge was a fully built muscle man and also inches taller. Look down at him while his eyes make some dangerous promises to Luca.

Oh no.

I could feel Luca getting angry as well as he opened his mouth while clenching his fist so tight that his knuckles turned white. "I am her assistant and before that, I am her best friend."

"And I am her fucking fiance!"


I know I disappeared for almost a month and I did receive you guys texts and all.
Apparently, my college reopened and suddenly there was this pressure among all of us. Maybe because the semester is getting tougher but all I did this month was go to college, come back and study. AND I STILL CAN'T COMPLETE MY SYLLABUS!!!!!
Also I had a very serious reading and writing block. I simply lost all my motivation to continue this story and i would rather write something when i have the feeling than to write something i am not satisfied with.


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