7 - Yellowpass

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Eliax stepped into the library and felt herself relaxing. This was the first time she'd entered a new building in an entire week and felt nothing from the resonance. If anything it seemed bored, which was something Eliax had noticed a while ago, the resonance didn't like reading.

Naturally, she'd long since decided to like reading just because of that, which made libraries one of the only places where she knew anything about herself.

She smiled and examined the rows of books, nodding at the librarian at the desk and trying to get a feel for their sorting system here. Most libraries had different systems, especially when they were so far apart, but Eliax had a lot of experience getting used to different ones. She'd probably lived in almost every city in Sanaria in the last ten years, Estin sure didn't like staying put.

She'd been half sure he was on the run from someone, but regardless, it gave her the ability to examine the layout for an hour or so and have a pretty good idea of where to find everything.

She found herself humming as she flipped through a history book, only to find it was severely outdated. There was nothing on the last fifty years. It didn't mention any battles where everyone on both sides turned to dust, so she tried to find newer books. It did make her feel slightly better if these memories were from more recent times.

Eliax also didn't find anything from before the Melorian empire was formed, which wasn't weird in the slightest. She didn't think there were any records left from before that, maybe the dragons had something with their hordes of knowledge, but she wouldn't bet on it.

She picked up another stack of potential sources and moved to the back of the shelf, glancing at the volumes on affinities and innate magic.

Eliax paused and made an undignified squeaking noise when she ran straight into something squishy. She grimaced and looked up just in time to meet the eyes of the weirdo from the tavern the other day. Sparks she'd forgotten that humans were squishy. If anything in the world was unnatural, it was definitely that. People shouldn't be squishy, they should have exoskeletons or scales or something. Humans were probably hurt by everything around them, what did they do if they got poked wrong? What protected them from rocks and stuff?

The human, oblivious to her train of thought, gave her a moderately startled and concerned look, "Eliax! Sorry! I thought you noticed me." He backed up, looking slightly ruffled.

She sighed, "That was my fault. Nice to see you. Goodbye."

He didn't take the hint.

"Hey, what're you looking for? Maybe I can help out?"

Eliax glanced down at her three books, "I think I'm good." But you're noooootttttt. The tiny voice inside her head insisted. It wasn't even something she could blame on the resonance...

The human, thankfully, didn't seem to care that she didn't want help. "What are you looking for?"

She sighed, but the tiny voice was very happy with this situation. "I'm looking for records on a specific battle." She frowned, there were humans on that battlefield too, weren't there? It couldn't have been an inter-tribal dispute or anything like that. It had felt too official. Had they been wearing two different colors? She couldn't quite remember... "It ended with both sides turning to dust. Or being sent to Aeinar I think."

The human blinked at her and glanced at her books, "Oh, well that would've taken you all day, you're looking at the wrong section of the library."

Eliax gave him a rather unamused look, "How? This is history, wouldn't it be in the history books?"

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