Nothing more than pain

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After I herd the laughing and wining stop I knew I had to do something I banged and screamed in the door until my vocal cords where practically ruined i stoped I sat in my cell and I sobbed my dog was all I had the only thing that cared for me he understood me and now thanks to stupid skull man he's gone well that's what I think I herd the door open I saw skull man with soap

"FUCK YOU WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY DOG?!" I screamed as I got up I stumbled back down coughing up blood I screamed too much it hurt I coughed and coughed a small puddle of blood was now on the cold floor "why? Why him and not me?" I manage to speak wiping blood from the side of my mouth

"For the fun of it" skull man says

My eyes widened I saw his bloody hands I look up to look at this monster "FOR THE FUN OF IT HE WAS ALL I HAD HE WAS THE ONLY THING THAT CARED FOR ME AND YOU KILLED HIM FOR THE FUN OF IT?!" I screamed until more blood came from my mouth

"Woah woah ghost would not go that far" soap said

"He bit me so out of anger I slapped the thing" skull man said

"Good" I manage to say before I struggled to sit on the uncomfortable bed "the dog loves me anytime he is away from me when I don't say he gets mad" I say before I cough more

"Woah woah hold on there kid" soap says bringing me water I don't take it

"Give me my dog and the I'll be okay" I say looking up more pissed than ever

Soap nods not to long after my dog comes running in I pet him as ghost shuts the door fuck him what is is deal anyway he's so cold and annoying it makes me hate him more than ever

I growl then I fall asleep with my dog right next to me in the morning I was woken up by hat man he gave me food at least someone cares I ate it and gave some to my dog

"He by the way you'll get a room soon" price says before leaving

I wonder with who or will I get my own either way I don't fucking care as long as I have my dog I'm sold I got up and leaned on the wall not to long price came back with clothes

"Shower kid" price says handing me the clothes he then leads me to the woman's shower room I shower in hot water I look at my cuts I have flashbacks I start hyperventilating

"Fuck fuck fuck not now" I whisper as my hyperventilating backed into a panic attack I tried to finish the shower I got dressed but then the Panic attack turned back into hyperventilating I slid down the wall trying to calm down it got worse soon soap comes in to check up on me he found me and soon after four men surrounded me trying to calm me down except skull man he just stared

After awhile I manage to calm down when the brought my dog

"What's wrong kid" price asked

"Yeah what happened" soap

Gu...guys they...they wont speak if they don't want to" shirt man added I have not gotten his name yet

I nodded after all I did not know these men I did not want to tell them shit i then got up trying ti catch my breath as my dog warned me I need to sit back down

"I'm okay boy" I whisper as I walk back to the so room I got given (aka the cell) I sit down ignoring everyone I just sat next to my dog with my legs at my chest I tried hard not to cry

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