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Chapter 24 - Passion

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Within a second, Nash's beautiful face appeared in the air above Lyrani's call crystal. Every time she saw him, he captivated her as he did the first time. He had been sitting in the front row of the theatre in the old Vlitavia palace, anxiously adjusting his sleeves while he waited for the attendees of his birthday celebrations to arrive.

Lyrani had noticed then that he was more beautiful than a tyrant should be with his striking cheekbones, the mahogany hair that fell to his shoulders, and those honey eyes that held her in her spot the first time they ever fell on her. It had struck her like a punch to the gut because she knew that he was doomed to be eliminated by her.

But things were different now. Lyrani could do her duty to ECISI and still protect Nash the way she had always wanted to, even before she knew him well enough to say that she loved him.

A smile bloomed on his perfect mouth, and Lyrani found that she could breathe easier now. He wouldn't be this calm if Vlitavia Palace was in crisis. He couldn't hide anything that big from her.

He opened his mouth, but Lyrani spoke before he could.

"Let's not mention anyone or anything by their real names."

Who knew who might overhear them? Lyrani was alone in the room, but the walls could have ears. As solid as they felt, they could even be an illusion. Few things in the realm were ever what they seemed, and the only reason Lyrani had survived this long was because she never forgot that.

The mission would certainly be over if anyone found out that Lyrani was the "girl" who loved the wicked elf king. After everything Gaileanor had said at dinner, she may just rescind her hospitality after the revelation and toss Lyrani and Meiyla back into the night to fend for themselves.

"All right then." Nash just raised an eyebrow.

It sent a thrill through Lyrani, as innocuous as the gesture was.

She took a deep breath. Why was she feeling like this? She would be launching herself at Nash if he was here with her, but she had only been away from him for two days. It felt much longer though, long enough for her to begin to crave his body as much as his company even though she knew both were out of reach.

Lyrani pulled the covers up to her chest, leaning back into the pillow as she gazed at Nash. "How's everything with you?"

"Better since we last spoke." He smiled, and it was like sunlight splitting the darkness as the morning asserted itself on the night. "My father arranged two protectors for me. They arrived early this morning."

Lyrani sighed her relief. Lord Dundor had taken the threat as seriously as she had hoped he would, and with good reason. "Are they with you now?"

Nash nodded.

Lyrani leaned in. "Can I say hello to them?"

"Of course." Nash beckoned to someone outside Lyrani's field of view. "Don't say anything. Just wave."

Joanas G'vat's solemn face and Zidaye Kilg's grinning one appeared on either side of Nash's. Lyrani returned their silent waves.

Joanas G'vat was the best in ECISI's protection department. Lyrani had yet to hear of any of his charges being killed under his watch. Zidaye Kilg was a new agent, but she was a rising star. ECISI gossip confirmed it. Lyrani had heard her name at least a hundred times despite only seeing her in the flesh twice.

Outside of herself, there was nobody Lyrani would trust with Nash's safety more.

The two agents exited Lyrani's view in unison, leaving her and Nash alone, or with the illusion of being alone, at least. Seeing what good hands Nash was in lightened the fear that had been weighing Lyrani down ever since she heard the full extent of the danger he was in.

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