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A few weeks after we got back from Arizona I was sitting at the kitchen table in the Cullen's house nestled into my best friend's side, her coldness helping my still aching bones, while I read "The Skeleton Crew". My eyes drifted up as I heard the commotion coming from the door, a clear sign that both of our boyfriends were back. The door flew open and in tumbled Jasper and Emmett both carrying beautiful bouquets of flowers. Jasper pulled me up and kissed my forehead before handing me the gorgeous bouquet of lilies and orchids, my favorite flowers.

"So Darlin, I know we're a couple already but I wanted to do this the right way. Prom's coming up this weekend, would you do me the honor of being my date?"

I giggled because it was too cute and I gleefully nodded. I was going to prom with my mate and the whole family. I really hoped it was gonna be a magical night. Rose and Emmett both cooed at us from the doorway which resulted in me blushing.

I yawned softly because these stupid pain meds I was on made me feel so sleepy so often which is why I was only allowed to take them after school. That's what made it sweet about the Cullen's being vampires, they were literal walking ice packs which seriously helped the pain I was in. Jasper realized this so he picked me up and took me to his room where he had a bed bought just for me.

"Sleep darlin, you need your rest, I'll be with you all night."

He then lay down beside me and purred until I fell asleep. When I woke up I was greeted with a big smile and a kiss from Jasper before he passed me a plate that had two breakfast sausage burritos on it. I'd been here enough that Esme had started keeping some of my favorites here on request from Jasper to help me as much as possible. I smirked at him before I tucked into my food. Oh my god, Esme was the best cook even with something you just heat up, this tasted better than normal.

"I'm glad you're enjoying the food Darlin, you need it, you haven't been eating much recently and honestly I'm getting concerned about you."

I felt bad for worrying him but I was getting better at eating and drinking even though I was still in mourning. I got up out of his arms and went to pull a pair of tights on and one of Jasper's hoodies that draped over me like a dress. I laughed quietly and flapped my hands, I really looked like a small doll in his hoodie.

"I'm ready for the day Jazz, I just wanna get school over with please."

He nodded and picked me up, flying me down to the kitchen where our backpacks were and where the other teenage Cullens were waiting for us. I hugged Rosalie tightly and we walked to the cars.

School always made me tired, both mentally and physically. I was stunned with how quickly the next few days flew by. Within the blink of an eye it was the afternoon before prom. I went to go into our room to relax and I gasped when I saw what he had done. The whole room was draped in fairy lights and a big screen projector was placed on the wall opposite the huge window.

"Tonight my love is a night all dedicated to making you smile. I've got all of your favorite movies lined up as well as your favorite foods and desserts. No one will interrupt us tonight darlin, it's just the two of us."

I teared up and latched onto him as tears slipped down my face. It was genuinely the first time I'd felt happy and loved since my parents passed away and it was then as well that I knew it would get better. He spun me around and whispered sweet words in my ear and I fell even deeper in love with him.

"Thank you Jazz, this means the absolute world to me. You're too good to me, I love you cowboy, you're amazing."

He walked the two of us to the pillow nest and sat me down before he wheeled a little cart full of food so that it was within reach. He literally had all my favorites. Sushi, pizza, cheese burgers and onion rings. For dessert he had like 10 different versions of peanut butter cups. He also had dr. pepper and sprite. I sighed happily and prepared for the amazing night. We watched "Scrooged", "Mrs. Doubtfire", "IT ", and "The Nightmare Before Christmas", before I crashed due to a food coma.

When I woke up it was about 1pm and I knew that as soon as Alice realized that I was awake she'd be in here wanting to use me like a Barbie doll. I barely had time to cuddle back into Jasper before the door flew open and to my surprise it was Alice and Rosalie. I groaned and tried hiding in Jasper's arms before the two of them could pull me out of the bed. He did nothing to try to keep me from his sisters, he just laughed at me as I glared at him playfully before letting Rose carry me out of the room.

They brought me into a room that if I hadn't known was in their house I'd have sworn that it was a salon. I felt Rosalie laugh as I wasn't as quiet as I thought when I said wow. She placed me down in a chair before she and Alice flew into action.

Over the course of the next four hours I went from looking like a homeless recluse to a princess, well at least that's what Alice told me. I stood in front of the mirror and hardly recognized myself. I looked beautiful. She'd dressed me in a purple dress that puffed out at the waist and stopped above my knees. Rosalie gave me a beautiful updo with a labradorite hair clip. They both contributed to my makeup look. I was thankful that Alice had listened to me and picked a brilliantly sparkly pair of white flats that wouldn't make me have sore feet or be a hazard for me.

Soon enough it was time for us to go. We walked down the stairs, Alice first and I heard a round of applause. Rose was next and she got a similar response but Emmett wolf whistled her. I was next and when Jasper saw me, it was as if the world came to a crashing halt for the two of us and no one else was around. I blushed deeply when I saw the single lilac in his hand. I looked down even more shy as I heard my ghosts compliment me.

When we got there we met up with Edward and Bella who looked like the picture perfect couple. We danced the night away. Jasper pulled me outside during one of the slow dances to the small pavilion outside that was lit up with thousands of fairy lights. The soft music flowed out here and I blushed for what felt like the millionth time that night. I snuggled into his chest as we swayed lightly in the subtle breeze.

He cupped my chin as the song came to a close and he tilted my head up and captured my lips in a sweet but passionate kiss. I tangled my hands into his hair to pull him closer. The kiss ended when my lungs needed to breathe and we both laughed softly. He placed a kiss on my forehead before we swayed softly again.

"I promise I'll be there for you to protect you and love you as long as you'll have me, my darlin Sagelynn."

"I promise to love you and want you for the rest of eternity, my cowboy Jasper."

What I didn't expect was for the next few months of my life. They would change everything. Life, why must you be so cruel to me?  

A/N: Thank you for reading the first part of the book that follows the "Twilight" narrative. Stay tuned for "New Moon" things are about to get really messy for Sagelynn. What do you think is going to happen? 

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