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The next day Y/n woke up early to leave her roommate and met up with the Prairie Fogs for their practice they were impressed by Y/n the other teams were a bit shocked she would join their team since they weren't really good but she didn't care she could see how silly and how fun and relax they are once the practice was over she returned back to her room to freshen up and takes a shower once she finished cleaning herself she reached for a towel to dry her hair she stood in front of the mirror and sees pink seeking into the white towel on her head once she unraveled the towel from her head her eyes wide and as her mouth dropped seeing her once blonde hair turned into red she looks at the bottle she reached that she thought it was shampoo and sees it was red hair dye she looks back at the mirror looking at her hair from side to side it didn't look bad on her

Y/n: I guess this is the work of the curse... Oh well

Y/n continues to get ready for lunch with the Prairie Dogs she changed out of her practicing a form and into a more comfortable clothing she walks into the building where everyone has lunch everyone gasped or was too stunned to speak as she walks proudly with her red hair up to the prairie dogs table

Y/n continues to get ready for lunch with the Prairie Dogs she changed out of her practicing a form and into a more comfortable clothing she walks into the building where everyone has lunch everyone gasped or was too stunned to speak as she walks ...

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Female Prairie Dog 1: Whow Y/n

Male Prairie Dog: What happened to your hair?

Y/n: Well since my roommate is a Shark member I got a little bit of the curse in the shower

Female Prairie Dog 2: Curse or not that hair looks good on you along with that outfit

Y/n: Thanks

They began to eat their food as Y/n looks up from the table her eyes meets Penn who just walked in he was a bit shocked by the hair though she still felt hurt she couldn't look long into his eyes so she looked away the next day before Prairie Dogs begin their practice

Female Prairie Dog 3: Hey Y/n did you hear?

Y/n: Hear what?

Male Prairie Dog: That the Sharks and Jets had a rumble last night both half of their team got injured and have to be sent home

Female Prairie Dog 1: Which means more practices and run throughs for the Prairie Dogs with Chicago

Y/n: Oh... you don't mind if I?

Female Prairie Dog 1: Go ahead

Y/n: Thanks I'll be back

Y/n jogs all the way to the bus stops and sees the Jets and sharks loading up the bus in a distance she wanted to go over but couldn't her eyes dripped to Penn she sees him looking around till his eyes lands on her she puts both of her hands in her pockets she build up the courage to walk over but her heart broke when he looked away and gets in his bus she sadly looks at the ground and walks away joining the Prairie Dogs and Chicago practice was a bit rough for Chicago but she was happy that she had someone who understands where she's getting at with the explaining over and over again

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