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Chapter 57

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Two very big things are happening today.

First, the job posting for the position in Marcus' team goes up.

Second. Tonight, I am assassinating the bomb-maker.

I cover the heavy purple bags under my eyes with make-up. My hands tremble as I apply it and it takes all my effort to keep my mind as blank as possible. I don't even want to think about any of it. I just need to be calm.

The morning passes in a strange, disorientating blur. I almost feel as though I'm not in control of my own body as I get ready and then travel through the city to work. It's a routine I've done over and over so much so that my body knows what it's doing without any instruction.

The chatter is awkward and quiet as I enter the office. I immediately pick up on the jittery atmosphere and it only makes my own nerves increase. My stomach flutters and I let out a shallow, shaky breath before rushing to my desk, not in the mood to talk anyway.

As more people come in and log into their computers, the quieter the office seems to become. It's like no one wants to discuss anything about it. No one wants to give anything about themselves or their applications away.

I open up the email that has the link to the application form. It opens at 9 a.m. I look at the small clock on the computer screen and take in a harsh breath.

Five minutes.

The sound of clicking at keyboards and of draws opening is deafening. Even more deafening is the sound of my own heart.

If I were in a room on my own doing this, perhaps I wouldn't feel so terrified. The tension radiates off everyone. I cast a quick look around at them. Eyes are locked onto screens. The room is full of pale faces and people biting nervously at the tips of their pens or at their nails.

It's like being back at the academy during the moments before sitting an exam.

I peek a look over at Serena's desk. She is just like everyone else. Her gaze is locked on her screen. I thought she would do something to sabotage me, but now I realise that she isn't going to today. Getting her own application in is far more important than wasting time on screwing me over. At least, I hope so.

The number on the clock shifts.

Three minutes.

My hands begin to sweat, and I wipe them on my skirt. The muscles in my chest feel tight and I take in long, slow, deep breaths.

I lick my lips. My whole mouth feels completely dry.

One minute.

I look over the instructions a final time. My eyes hover over the last sentence.

Applications close at 10 a.m.

Before I can think further about what is going to be included in the application, the clock strikes nine.

I click the link immediately.

The screen shifts to a blank page.

It stays white.

My eyes widen and white-hot panic surges through me. For a second, I don't know what to do. I scramble at my desk, harshly clicking keys. A burst of terrified heat spreads through me and my heart pounds in my chest.

Just as I'm about to get up and run to Zoe's office, the page loads.

I let out a long breath and try to calm down.

Come on, Rowan.

I close my eyes, square my shoulders and grit my teeth in determination.

"It's just another exam," I whisper to myself. Then, I open my eyes and read the first question.

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