Jump Out That Window

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I'm sorry there hasn't been a lot of you P.O.V ): I think I got too used to writing in that pov for you and Clement. I hope it doesn't bother you! I really do try to have your pov inserted whenever I can, but most of the time there's too much action or scene jumps to have it just be yours ;-;




Third Person P.O.V

"Call Miss Crawly! I'll try to call Johnny!" (Y/N) shouts as she and Buster run along the sidewalk, dodging people as he looks around with wide, panicked eyes.


"What did you say, Mr. Moon?" Miss Crawly questions in concern, frowning as she struggles to hear him over his panting breaths.


"Get out!" Buster yells into the phone, swiftly looking back to ensure (Y/N) was still behind him. "All of you! Get out of there right now!"

(Y/N) fumbles with her phone as she runs alongside Buster, her heart hammering in her chest as she struggles to tap on the call app. She instantly clicks on Johnny's name, his being at the top above Buster's as a favorite.

"There's no time to explain, just get the cast and meet us back at the hotel!"

(Y/N) holds the phone to her ear, the phone line trilling softly before he answers after two rings.

"Hey, you!" Johnny fondly greets, some music in the background mixing with Nooshy and Merlin's voices. "I was wondering where you ran off to--"

"Johnny! Listen, meet me back at Buster's hotel room! We have to--" (Y/N) frantically speaks, gasping when Buster trips over the sidewalk, falling forward towards the road as cars drive at a fast speed. "Buster!!"

She quickly drops her phone, lunging forward and grabbing the back of his suit jacket. She yanks him backwards, the two falling back just as a car speeds by and runs over his phone. People nearby murmur in concern as they rush over to check on the two, Buster panting heavily with wide eyes at the realization he was almost killed twice in one day.


(Y/N) turns to her phone, reaching for it and wincing when someone rides by on a skateboard and unintentionally runs it over.

"Oh, no!" (Y/N) groans in annoyance as she grabs the crushed device, the screen shattered and Johnny's voice unintelligible through the broken speaker. "If you can hear me, just meet us at Buster's hotel room!"

Her phone screen goes dark, her phone officially dead.

(Y/N) sighs as she plops the useless device onto the ground beside her, Buster collecting his thoughts and catching his breath as he looks over at her.

"I-- I'll buy you a new one," he promises quietly, (Y/N) offering him a small smile as she nods in thanks.



"We're live in five, four, three, two...!" the floor manager announces on set, Linda readying herself for the cameras.

Jimmy adjusts his tie backstage, a cast member dusting off his suit. He gives the man a sharp glare, making him back off in alarm as he blinks rapidly.

The familiar jingle for the show plays as Linda claps along with a bright smile, the audience members all cheering and applauding.

"Jerry!" Jimmy snaps, turning to the man with a scowl. "Go get my snacks!"

Jerry stands to attention swiftly, nodding quickly. "Yes, sir!"

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