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Celest's Pov :
It's been two weeks since I have lived in the baroni house hold and a few things have gotten more than clear . Leo is an ass and he hates me ,Reo is the total opposite of Leo and I kinda like reo ok fine i definitely like reo .
Everyday so far before I go to bed he always brings me different types of candy . Yesterday he bought me foot flavoured gummy beans and told me all the embarassing things Leo has done so I can torture him later . Fyi the gummy beans tasted like feet . Oh right that was the whole point .

Elijah is an excellent cook and so far my favourite brother . Zander is complicated. We haven't talked that much except for a quick hi here and there . He seems to always be locked up in his office . These past few days he hasn't even left his office to come down for dinner , Elijah seems really worried about him .

And Aaron he is one tough cookie to crack . So far he has been really nice to me . But I feel like there is more to him than he shows . And I was right when i said lying to him will be hard . He has seemed to discover more about me than i would have liked.

          ~few hours ago~

I was in the basement again . But the room seemed different. The walls were white . Everything was white the walls , the floor , the light coming from the small window in the corner of the room . The chains around my hands and legs . And the nail embedded in my legs . Everything was white .

From the corner of my eyes I saw someone slowly walking towards me . I couldn't see their face but I knew who it was even before i could see them . It was Mourad . He had a smug look on his face now that i could see him .

"Celest my dear celest" he always called me his dear before he hurt me, how ironic . "Just let me go" i said . I can't speak so how did those words just leave my mouth .

"I told you didn't i dear that i never want to hear your voice now i have to punish you" he said while smirking even more than before . He had a drill in his hand . A white drill . "Please don't" I begged and cried but he said nothing just laughed loudly while walking towards me slowly . I cried and begged him to let me go but he just said "shh it will hurt more if you squirm " that's all he said before he started drilling into my neck . The blood splattered all over the room .

Nothing was white everything rather was covered in my crimson blood . The walls the floor the window even the light now was red . But suddenly i realised Mourad was not covered in blood rather it was me who was . The person drilling into my neck was me . The drill in her hands was gone it was her hands that was digging into my neck choking me .

"Celest wake up " i heard a muffled sound from somewhere but I was drowning in a ocean but the only thing different about this ocean was that it was a ocean of my own blood . Someone from above the water was calling my name like they were desperate to have me back . I focused on the voice rather than the pain and swam towards it .

I woke up from the nightmare and jumped into the arms of the person beside me and started sobbing . "Shh it's ok you are ok " Aaron tried to calm me down while holding me tightly. I don't want him to let me go . I am so scared. "Celest i am here i am not going anywhere just breathe " he said while lightly stroking my hair .

I focused on his heartbeat , his heart was pounding inside his chest . I stopped crying but i was still too shocked to move . I just wanted the comfort from him to last longer .

"Good girl, now can you tell me why you were trying to choke yourself while you were sleeping when I came inside your room " i shaked my head which was between his neck to let him know i didn't want to talk about .

"Celest if you don't talk about it then i can't help you , you have me now you don't have to suffer all by yourself " he said in a desperate tone . Something told me he was safe . He could take in my secrets without pitying me cuz that's the last thing I want , someone pitying me .

I gave him a slight nodd and i think i felt him smile . He handed me his phone so i could type in my answer . "I had a nightmare" i wrote . "Who was trying to hurt you "he asked while gently trying to wipe away the tears from my face .

"At first it was Mourad but after some time i realised it was me ." I wrote . He read and looked at me . Like really looked at me . "U know celest sometimes others might hurt us but in the end rather than blaming them we just end up blaming ourselves for it . There is always going to be what if i did this what if i did that then they couldn't have hurt me but no if someone really had no intentions of hurting you they never would have .The ones who love you would rather take away your pain than cause it . So if u wanna blame yourself then do when you fail to protect a loved one . And right now you are hurting only because you decided to focus on the pain you caused to yourself not the pain others caused you . " he said and waited for my respond.

He was right if I had focused on the pain Mourad caused on my legs i would have never felt the pain I tried to cause . I simply chose to ignore that because I was not the one who caused it . I can't blame myself for what others did to me if I did i would simply be nothing but a shell of a person . Affected by the waves of my own ocean .

I didn't say anything but instead just settled between his legs and gave him a hug . I know he understands what I am trying to say because in the end one thing i know for sure Aaron can understand me without any words . He can truly understand me and that scares me but also comforts me in some odd way .

I tried to break away from the hug but he didn't let go . "Give me a few more seconds i have waited a long time for this " i didn't understand what he meant but i obliged. After he let me go he asked "do you wanna sleep some more " i shaked my head to let him know i didn't want to .

"Ok good so get ready we are going shopping princess"
He said with a wink . That made my heart flutter a bit which was strange . Sometimes it acts up like starts beating really fast when I am around Aaron . I might have a heart problem I have to get it checked from Lijah .

I nodded and he helped me pick out my outfit which was one of reos shirts and Leo's favourite sweatpants which i stole. Revenge as reo says looks good on me .

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